Getting closer


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Just a little baby update

Athena has moved to a head down position and is getting much bigger. I have been having lots of practice contractions and really into the nesting phase of pregnancy. My baby shower is tomorrow so I will have lots of to clean and organize. I am still trying to convince my mother that she will NOT be in the delivery room with us. I am not sure as to why she feels this is so important as she has had very little to do with the pregnancy or even emotionaly supporting us in our new family. I think that she wants people to think that she is a good mom or something. She likes excitment and being in charge. I have falt told her no twice now and even gave her the job of watching Alex in the waiting room or at home, but she still thinks she will be in charge. Grrr...

I still have a little less than 8 weeks till due date, but it seems so close now. I am acctually looking foward to lessening my back pain and nausea. It has been so bad that I am in bed most of the days and rarely able to get out of the house. I know that is how it will be with baby here, and a new set of ouchies will set it, but I think they will be better than the ones I have now.
Baby Shower!!!!!! *peepwall* SURPRISE!!!!!!!!! :D

sounds like you know already though...But they are the cutest showers....Hope you get alot for the little one....

As for moms being in the delivery room....gotta just say "NO"!!!
There were so many ppl in the room when i was in labor-I hated it- here you are not feeling up to par and their all eating, drinking, talking,and your laying there in pain...WTF.
it's almost over!
as for the delivery room, i had my ex mother in law in the room for both of them (the ones that applied to her) and i was happy to do it (except for when she slipped out for a quick sandwich while i was dilated to 5 cm and when she came back 20 minutes later she had missed malory's birth). it was important to her to be there and she was helpful to me....of course malory was my third child and you could have parked the whole PBS camera crew in there and i wouldn't have cared.
My mother and I do not get along in way, shape or form besides the occasional pretending. She only wants to be there cause it is important to her to be able to TELL everybody that she was there and tell the same stories over and over (much exagerated) about how she saved the day and I would have never had the baby without her there. She still does this when it comes to Alex. She made things so much worse in the room and this time I want things to be calm and for me and Erik to be able to share a special moment.
Know what? I somehow get the feeling that if she wasn't in the room, the baby still would have been born. Now, if she never existed in the first place, you'd never have had the kid. :lloyd: