girly quiz


New Member
what? like ya'll have something else to do???? :shrug:

Sufficiently Sexy

You are fairly comfortable with your sexuality and aren't afraid to play up your sex appeal, but you know when to tone down the sexual dynamo act and let your partner see and appreciate your other wonderful qualities.

Although being physically attractive to the man in your life is important to you, you also want him to value your intelligence, spirit, humor and so on. No doubt he does; what men find most appealing is a woman who believes in herself. Whether you're conscious of it or not, that confidence is evident both in and out of the bedroom -- in the way you move, speak, smile, dress and have sex; women who are confident and comfortable with their sexuality tend to have more satisfying sex lives. That said, don't be surprised if your sex life gets a little humdrum at times -- even the best sexual connections sometimes need a change. So don't be afraid to occasionally rent an erotic movie, wear sexy lingerie or play up your sexiness in the bedroom.
Sufficiently Sexy
You are fairly comfortable with your sexuality and aren't afraid to play up your sex appeal, but you know when to tone down the sexual dynamo act and let your partner see and appreciate your other wonderful qualities.
Nixy said:
Sufficently Sexy

What up wit dat? One generic answer for all? To make us feel ok about ourselves, but imply we could improve so that we take the self-help courses and buy the self-help books and products they advertise all over that page? Hm?

Yikes. Think I'm in a "jaded" mood this morning. Think I'll got out for breakfast...
Sufficiently Sexy

You are fairly comfortable with your sexuality and aren't afraid to play up your sex appeal, but you know when to tone down the sexual dynamo act and let your partner see and appreciate your other wonderful qualities.

Although being physically attractive to the man in your life is important to you, you also want him to value your intelligence, spirit, humor and so on. No doubt he does; what men find most appealing is a woman who believes in herself. Whether you're conscious of it or not, that confidence is evident both in and out of the bedroom -- in the way you move, speak, smile, dress and have sex; women who are confident and comfortable with their sexuality tend to have more satisfying sex lives. That said, don't be surprised if your sex life gets a little humdrum at times -- even the best sexual connections sometimes need a change. So don't be afraid to occasionally rent an erotic movie, wear sexy lingerie or play up your sexiness in the bedroom.

Yep yep, I think you got it right, Cam. Jaded mood? How can you look at that avatar of yours and feel anything less than joy?! :love:
Sufficiently Sexy

You are fairly comfortable with your sexuality and aren't afraid to play up your sex appeal, but you know when to tone down the sexual dynamo act and let your partner see and appreciate your other wonderful qualities.

Although being physically attractive to the man in your life is important to you, you also want him to value your intelligence, spirit, humor and so on. No doubt he does; what men find most appealing is a woman who believes in herself. Whether you're conscious of it or not, that confidence is evident both in and out of the bedroom -- in the way you move, speak, smile, dress and have sex; women who are confident and comfortable with their sexuality tend to have more satisfying sex lives. That said, don't be surprised if your sex life gets a little humdrum at times -- even the best sexual connections sometimes need a change. So don't be afraid to occasionally rent an erotic movie, wear sexy lingerie or play up your sexiness in the bedroom.

The questions weren't daring enough - I should have been like "wild sex kitten" or something! :hump:
How Sexy Are You?
Everyone has some degree of sex appeal. But some women radiate charm, strength and confidence more than others. Here's how you rate on the sex appeal scale. If you're comfortable with your score and your allure-ability, that's great. If you want to pump up your sex appeal, follow our Increase Your Sex Appeal Love Lesson, created by Eva Norvind, Hollywood's sex appeal tutor.


Serious Seductress

You've got sex appeal all right, but you may be overdoing it a bit. It's great that you're so confident with your sexuality, but your frequent femme fatale routine is liable to get you into trouble. While some good-natured jealousy can add a spark to a committed relationship, too much of the green-eyed monster can turn a healthy relationship sour. Using your sexuality to please your partner is one thing; using it to control him or to attract other men is another. Keep in mind that if you don't let your partner see beyond your slinky outfits, he won't be able to get to know, love, and most importantly, respect you.

Maybe it's time to tone down the sexiness and turn your true personality on. Before you can do that, however, you may need to dig deep and figure out why you feel the need to portray yourself as so sexy all the time. For many women, insecurity is behind the seductress act -- they're afraid their partners will lose interest if they take the sex card off the table. Or, they worry that their other qualities aren't attractive enough.

Other women mistakenly believe that all men want is a woman whose appearance and behavior scream "sex." Fortunately, this is far from true, especially when it comes to long-term relationships. What men want is a confident, secure partner whom they enjoy spending time with, can respect and, yes, are attracted to -- outside and inside

Why am I not surprised? Sam could tell me this without the quiz :devil:
Looks likeanother reason for women to hate themselves to me...As for toning down any sexual dynamos, perish the thought. I can keep up as long as you can... :brow:
Gato_Solo said:
Looks likeanother reason for women to hate themselves to me...As for toning down any sexual dynamos, perish the thought. I can keep up as long as you can... :brow:
who said anything about toning down any sexual dynamos? why on earth would you do that?
Sufficiently Sexy

You are fairly comfortable with your sexuality and aren't afraid to play up your sex appeal, but you know when to tone down the sexual dynamo act and let your partner see and appreciate your other wonderful qualities.

Although being physically attractive to the man in your life is important to you, you also want him to value your intelligence, spirit, humor and so on. No doubt he does; what men find most appealing is a woman who believes in herself. Whether you're conscious of it or not, that confidence is evident both in and out of the bedroom -- in the way you move, speak, smile, dress and have sex; women who are confident and comfortable with their sexuality tend to have more satisfying sex lives. That said, don't be surprised if your sex life gets a little humdrum at times -- even the best sexual connections sometimes need a change. So don't be afraid to occasionally rent an erotic movie, wear sexy lingerie or play up your sexiness in the bedroom.