goodnight, sweet prince. we always knew you'd fizzle.


Well-Known Member
a new slogan for Romney....
"I'm not always right, but unlike Obama, I'm not always wrong."


ron paul is the exception to all rules. he is not like all those other guys and gals. feel his warm embrace.

of course video dumbot says that paul is looking beyond 2012. yep. there it is. that little escape hatch.


Well-Known Member
"If it's not accepted that big government, fiat money, ignoring liberty, central economic planning,
welfarism, and warfarism caused our crisis, we can expect a continuous and dangerous march toward
corporatism and even fascism with even more loss of our liberties,"

Ron Paul's farewell speech


molṑn labé
Staff member
He had a sweet gig. Adds lots n lots of pork to House bills, knowing they'll pass, then voting against them, in principle