


Thank you.

This entire non-event was not one solitary thing more than an attempt to promote some whacked out theory of something or other that is supposed to make Tad and Polly Suburbanite feel better about themselves by turning the lights off for an hour, then resuming their normal energy consumption rate. Google attempted some free pub out of the entire Mongolian clusterfuck. You fell for it. The world continues to spin on its axis quite normally, just as it did before every tree-huggin hippie wannabe turned the fuggin lights off for an hour and just as it will until the whole thing is called off by that Higher Power what really created you, me, the internet, and the sun decides to call it a day. This is, was, and will forever be a non-event that Google latched onto for some pub.

We now return you to Murder, She Wrote, already in progress.
Actual Google is Black today for earth hour.

Once upon a time we used to have an earth day. Inflation, I guess.

Of course that was back when the environmental movement was actually interested in the environment.