Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!

greenfreak said:
LastLegionary said:
Size does not matter. Its the quality.

Bet your ass that it *would* have mattered to LL if Justin really was smaller than him. :p
Yes yes yes yes I know :p :p But what else do I have haha. I'm not even sure if mine is higher quality. gah. ;)
sigh... Genome has derailed yet again. I've not had a WU register in 5 days. The status forums are devoid of any mention that inputs are off by 80% overall. This is the 5th week long collapse this year. They never have a good answer for whats goin off. I'm now 99% decided that I want to jump off of this twitchy ship and go do another DC proggy.

Any ideas?
I've just taken all my puters off, haven't even considered switching to another DC program. It's not worth the trouble anymore.
I just wish my computer wouldn't freeze every time I close Genome or try to upload my results. Everyone said it was the firewall but my Linksys router crapped out this weekend and I'm plugged directly into the modem and I'm still having problems.

It's really starting to piss me off. I'm going to go through their message boards to try to figure this out.
5 out of my 6 cpus Genome programs collapsed as hopelessly bugged. I had to go around and clear and restart. One wont do it at all. I fear thats its utterly corrupted. My lappy is running an old .98 client and it hasnt collapsed. How odd. I wonder if all of those bounced finished genes have just gone up in smoke? Genome owes me about 1900 points right now. If I dont see them in 36 hours... I'm deleting the clients and going somewhere else.
I uninstalled the client last night... Because of all the restarts after freezing, scandisk started finding and trying to fix problems which led to corrupted files which leads me to being able to use my computer for all of one minute before it freezes. I have to reconfigure my entire machine... and find a way to backup my stuff before it freezes again on me. :mad2:
I guess I should go home tonight and uninstall it as well. Luckily I haven't had the problems you all have had, yet.
Something has gone buggy down Stanford way. The emphasis is total on the Folding program now. I don't think they give a rat about the problems with Genome anymore.
Current rank: 105 out of 21395 users
Total units processed: 100115.44
Total genes designed: 7104

All welcome HomeLAN to the 100,000 club!

Now weve both accomplished our long term goals.. and it only took 17 months.
My team ceased all ops about 6 weeks ago and still hasnt dropped off of 55th place. Im still locked at 88th on the personal level as well. How odd to be right where I was after so much time.