Great Tricks played by V@gin@


New Member
Found this while following Sharky's" Bored "link in the SB,bet my sig makes sense now huh.

The vagina, usually associated with sexual intercourse and childbirth, can be employed in a variety of other ways.

In addition to serving as a money-box the vagina can also play the part of a billiard table, a game seemingly favoured in parts of Scandinavia.

One writer (J. C. Lauret in “The Danish Sex Fairs") remarks “The ladies will lift up their skirts… They will sit against the wall, their legs spread well apart. The gentlemen will take their places on the opposite side of the room… Everyone has a try. The object is to flick the glass marbles into the hole of this delightful billiard table. One can guess at the winner’s reward...”

P.S. if your wondering why no inkage,Gonz won't let me link to the site directly ,somethin' about nipplage. :swing:
this reminds me of how i wanted to make the family fortune. douche with scents that will actually attract a man:

bbq pork rinds.
new car scent.

i know i am forgetting a few...
tonksy said:
this reminds me of how i wanted to make the family fortune. douche with scents that will actually attract a man:

bbq pork rinds.
new car scent.

i know i am forgetting a few...


[homer] ughlghl[/homer]