Gun Laws do Not Reduce Criminal Violence According to New Study

catocom said:
ok ok....
Soooo, let's just add-up All the other stuff that kills people,
and guns will Really seem minuscule. :D
Thats right. :D Put the chairman of all of the dairy, meat, and snack food companies on trail for genocide.
Aww c'mon go away for a while and you come back with a 'gun thread' f'r crissakes!

Lookit me...I've refraining from the whole "Gay thread" thing based on a small complaint from Prof. You strike me as more intelligent than that....pick another topic...please.

I'm not in the mood for another gun-related causes headaches and bad feelings all around.

MrBishop said:
Aww c'mon go away for a while and you come back with a 'gun thread' f'r crissakes!

Lookit me...I've refraining from the whole "Gay thread" thing based on a small complaint from Prof. You strike me as more intelligent than that....pick another topic...please.

I'm not in the mood for another gun-related causes headaches and bad feelings all around.


So should I refrain from posting threads about gays' rights to own guns?
Inkara1 said:
So should I refrain from posting threads about gays' rights to own guns?

Hell yes! Keep the guns away from those damned homer-seckshools. :lol:
MrBishop said:
Aww c'mon go away for a while and you come back with a 'gun thread' f'r crissakes!

Lookit me...I've refraining from the whole "Gay thread" thing based on a small complaint from Prof. You strike me as more intelligent than that....pick another topic...please.

I'm not in the mood for another gun-related causes headaches and bad feelings all around.


Actually it was pure chance. There have been several other things I could have posted on here, but this just happend to have been somthing I ran across on the same day I decided to check up on things here.

Ive not really been "away", just busy.

Im quitting my job and going back to patient care, got back in touch with one of my estranged brothers, the holidays are coming, ive been sick etc etc.

I dont recall the gay thing or an objection from prof. Im pretty "pro-gay" though and dont really know what your talking about there....and dont really want to be reminded. :D

Edit: Im not very multi-dimensional. I only have a few hobbies, such as guns, computers, salt water fish, my work in the medical professsion, a broad taste in movies, a twisted sense of humor, a perverted sexual nature, a disfunctional family, and a weakness in my otherwise SOB exterior for small children to talk about. I guess on the whole the chance of gun thread popping up is higher with me than most.... (that and my fascination with sci-fi REALLY doesn't go over well here).
AnomalousEntity said:
Im quitting my job and going back to patient care, got back in touch with one of my estranged brothers, the holidays are coming, ive been sick etc etc.

Hope that you feel well soon and that your return to the medical field gives you joy.

AnomalousEntity said:
I dont recall the gay thing or an objection from prof. Im pretty "pro-gay" though and dont really know what your talking about there....and dont really want to be reminded. :D
Actually...the gay threads were mine and Prof protested to me posting too much on Homosexuality. I was drawing a parallell :)

AnomalousEntity said:
Edit: Im not very multi-dimensional. I only have a few hobbies, such as guns, computers, salt water fish, my work in the medical professsion, a broad taste in movies, a twisted sense of humor, a perverted sexual nature, a disfunctional family, and a weakness in my otherwise SOB exterior for small children to talk about. I guess on the whole the chance of gun thread popping up is higher with me than most.... (that and my fascination with sci-fi REALLY doesn't go over well here).

SOund well rounded enough for me. We can chat up family life, kids, flicks, sex (always a popular thread), and who said anything about SciFi going over badly!!?! I'll shoot'em!


Welcome back AE...for an opponent , you're still a hell of a guy to discuss things with.