halloween candy!

butterfingers are peanut butter... or peanut based in any case. I did look for classic Reese's PB cups ... but all I saw was a nasty Kit Kat PB Reese's rip off.
Scanty said:
Never had a Hershey bar. :(

what?!?!?! What kind of phreakish world are you living in, girl? What's your address? I'm mailing you a Hershy Bar ... no one should go through life without having one :)
unclehobart said:
^ see that Steve? I'm tellin' ya.. salty offerings on Halloween sell like hotcakes.

Does anyone know about hotcakes?
And whether they actually exist?
Cos if hotcakes are always in demand
They must be pretty hard to resist.

I went to research on this theory;
In town, I looked about.
But when I found hotcake shop
The hotcakes had all sold out.

SELL LIKE HOT CAKES - "Hot cakes cooked in bear grease or pork lard were popular from earliest times in American. First made of cornmeal, the griddle cakes or pancakes were of course best when served piping hot and were often sold at church benefits, fairs, and other functions. So popular were they that by the beginning of the 19th century ‘to sell like hot cakes’ was a familiar expression for anything that sold very quickly effortlessly, and in quantity." From "Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins" by Robert Hendrickson (Facts on File, New York, 1997)

mm... bear grease

I will SO dress up and send you pictures if you send me a care package composed of those things! I have not had chocolate in SO long!

I go from class to the apartment to class and over and over and over.

PULEASE? *sweet and innocent face*
I knew it in general ... but not that it was so... hmm... 'rustic' shall we say.

I only have 378 pieces of large candy. My first year I had over 400 slobbering greasepainted munckins clear me out. I have two backup bags of smaller candies just in case. It would be easier to mail you the Canadian fiver I have in my wallet so you can buy your own candy than it would be for me to fill out the customs forms for the FexEx package. Besides.. you have coffee KitKats up there. I luv, luv em'.
Depends on what youre used to. Insofar as US chocolate goes, it is the Rock of Gibraltar staple numero uno bar. There are slightly better ones... but only for thrice the price. UK chochy-bits are probably on par with ours. I wouldn't even dare try and compare it with Swiss and German candy staples as theirs is the best Ive ever had.
*pouts around*

That doesn't give me the NOVELTY of getting a PACKAGE. My roommate got this cool care package from her sister....

*wipes tear from her eye* I would like to get a package... :crying3: