Has anyone else tried this?

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I was just wondering what your results were:

Even though my system has a lot of memory, I often find that the system crawls even when nothing is loading or supposed to be running. The problem stems from the fact that Explorer caches DLL files into memory for a short time after they're used. Obviously with these DLL's sucking memory the system has less for itself.

There is a solution to this of course, and luckyly you are subscribed to the PCstats.com Newsletter to find out all about it! Prepare (ie. backup) for a simple registry hack which should solve this problem. =)

Load up regedit (Start -> Run -> regedit then press Ok) and follow this path. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Explorer. From there create a new key called AlwaysUnloadDLL. Inside that key change the default string to 1 and close regedit and reboot.

Now when you finish running multiple/large programs all their DLL's will be unloaded from memory when you exit the programs.

source - PC-Stats

I've tried a few of their hacks in the past and in fact run most of them on this machine and find they do usually improve performance. :)
I've been running it for a while (remember doing it just don't remember when I did it) can't say it sped things up ,but it didn't screw things up either:)
I seem to remember someone saying Win98 has that value by Default ? or maybe Winxp :confuse3:

Anyway ,it won't hurt:headbang: