Has anyone tried Photoreading?


Staff member
Just curious. I've almost got enough money to buy the self-teaching course and I was wondering if it works.
One of the things I studied in college was speed reading. I can scan a page pretty fast. These kinds of methods of reading are of some benefit. If I want to study details, I take it slower.

It's too bad my typing isn't that good.:(
Squiggy said:
I know PlayBoy wouldn't be worth reading if it weren't for the pictures...:tardbang:

ugggh, seriously, do you actually read what's in it? :D
Bubba said:
One of the things I studied in college was speed reading. I can scan a page pretty fast. These kinds of methods of reading are of some benefit. If I want to study details, I take it slower.
I already make use of some speed reading techniques, but reading comprehension goes way down when I use them (just like my typing - I can type a lot faster but I may not get any of the words out right). PhotoReading basically transmits the information directly to your subconscious (you focus on something other than the words, preferrably blur them out so you can't "accidentally" focus on them, so your subconscious gets it all clearly) and you later bring the information out by activating it. You usually get 100% comprehension like this.

My dad's a skeptic, and I want to try it out because of the time it'd save me when I need to learn new stuff. Shit, there's even a 30 day money back guarantee, I've only got $245 + s/h to lose (I could easily lose more than that in a big poker or acey deucy game); I already have $215 of it.
My honest opinion is that unless you spend a lot of time doing it that it will not be worth it. You would be surprised how much better you can read if you just pick up a book and read it for a couple of hours a day. The more you read, the better you will get at it, and it wont cost a cent.:headbang:
Bubba said:
My honest opinion is that unless you spend a lot of time doing it that it will not be worth it. You would be surprised how much better you can read if you just pick up a book and read it for a couple of hours a day. The more you read, the better you will get at it, and it wont cost a cent.
Been there, tried that. You wouldn't believe how many books I had to read in school. :tardbang:
I'd say it's a risky bet at best. I would highly recommend googling for non-marketing type material (be forewarned, you'll have much to wade through).

A comment from some other board from someone who claims to have gone through the $250 course (I make no claims as to the actual veracity)...

I did receive my money back on the Photo Reading course minus a $20
shipping cost.
Now, 10 months after taking this course I no longer attempt to use this\
this technique for my daily reading.
I did put a lot of time and effort into practicing after taking the
course, but after a while when no results are apparent, it becomes
a waste of time.
I can Photo Read books all day long but none of the information is
available for me at a concious level. In other words, it's like I
never read it and don't know any thing of it. I do read a lot and
the only way I can comprehend, remember and process written information
is through reading it word by word. Nothing else cut it.
I've yet to come across a credible testimony from any one whose
experience is any different than mine.

Someone in this thread made a good point. If this guy had such a good technique for ingesting information, wouldn't he have made it big doing something other than hawking the method in TV infomercials?

Oh, and there's a $16.95 book version on Amazon.

Edit: fixed the quote tag - Luis G