Have you ever...


New Member
Have you ever had news, bad or good, that you've had to sit on? I got some pretty huge news today that I'm going to have to hang onto for a least a week. And you know, it's just not fun in the least.
Yes... all the time. I am the buffer for secrets amongst all friends and family. I have roughly 15-20 floating at any given moment.
Always. Usually about how what the customer just bought was superceded last week.

I've one customer who's installing 4 port printservers at all his locations, not realizing that he could pile 3 parallel ports onto the server pc and save himself a world of grief.
Nah, you'll have to wait until next week...


It's about company "restructuring". Need I say more?
Yep - I know something about Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson that I can never tell anybody, ever (seriously... from a high-level barrister friend of the family who confided in my dad).

Also know that ATi are outsourcing to a fab other than TSMC and UMC (probably IBM). It's huge news, has serious ramifications and I would guess only about 2-300 people in the world know about it, ATM. Heh... maybe a few more now, but none of you guys really care, do ya? :D

Plus I know a couple of ex-MI5 pensioners that people don't know worked for MI5; not even their own family in one case (certainly used too be that way anyway). That's through my grandad.

Oh and I know that one of my mates was screwing her BF and his dick broke in half. Nice. :)

P.S. Ah yes - a friend slept with this guy's fiancée. Nobody knows about that. Pretty serious. :eek:
:scratches head: I suppose not anymore. But the people who will care the most still don't know. At least, I assume it's not a small world world after all.
MuFu said:
Yep - I know something about Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson that I can never tell anybody, ever (seriously... from a high-level barrister friend of the family who confided in my dad).

I know them was screwin each other :eek:
I heard if you screw with a not fully erect penis it can happen, the pubic bone or something cracks and theres nerve damage, almost irrepairable i think.
All the time... my friends know that their secrets are safe with me... I would never break someone's confidence.
Justintime said:
I heard if you screw with a not fully erect penis it can happen, the pubic bone or something cracks and theres nerve damage, almost irrepairable i think.

It's repairable, it happened to a friend of mine and no it wasn't me. :p :lol:
I've been sworn to secrecy by people like the FBI, by someone who was gay and married, scores of people who had affairs, people running for elected positions, coworkers who are looking for other jobs, women who were pregnant but didn't want anyone to know till they were showing... I'm a really good secret keeper. :)