Hello all, SIOUX here


New Member
Hi, found the site through Forum Host.com, thought I'd pay you a visit...........I bought Beer and Pizza, and thought I might stay a while, where shall I put my coat?

A bit about myself....I'm a girly, like onlkine gaming and chatting to peeps, oh yes don't hold it against me but i'm from the UK.

Nice to be here and look forward to meeting you all. :D
:wave: Welcome :wave:
Put your coat where you like...
We might eventually have to sell it to buy more beer and pizza but I'm sure you'll understand.
Nothing wrong with coming from the UK ;)
:wave: hi SIOUX glad you found us. hey as arris said nothing wrong from being from the UK. we have quite a few from there.
Thanks for the beer :beerdrnk:
Thats cool! :headbang: now i'm gonna make another step into the intrusion into your personal life and tell you that you can submit a piccy if you please to the member gallery in my sig :D
Sure thing about the pizza and beer. All I rought was whine and geez... :D

Welcome, SIOUX. :D
Pssst...SIOUX...They're holding me hostage in the basement. ...nekkid... Could ya call for help? Please? :retard:
Squiggy said:
Pssst...SIOUX...They're holding me hostage in the basement. ...nekkid... Could ya call for help? Please?

:hmm: What did we tell you would happen if you told?:hmm:
Leslie doesn't qualify as a they. And you brought that on yourself, dude.

Hi Sue. Take a deep breath for me, willya. I miss the smell of the sea.
No PT! Not the hydraulic anal massager again....:crying3: Help me! Help me!

Well Prof, Leslie may not qualify as a "they" but I'm telling you, Avery definately ganged up on me.... :errrr: