Hello Joff


Welcome to OTC...:beerbang: ...Beer and Pizza are the currency. Off Topic is the goal...Pull up a chair or lie on the floor. Its all good. :tardbang:
Arris: fury automatically transports any and all cheese to his secret hiding place. You can only have the same rationed amount as each other member. If you are eatting it all before the next rationing day then you need to learn to budget your cheese better :D
* Arris immediately starts work on his Star Trek type device which uses tachyon beams and deflector arrays to intercept fury's cheese transporter signals and redirect the cheese to his own secret cheese store

* Arris decides that his cheese quota is more than fair and abandons the project and instead builds a Cybot like Aunty Em.
oh this is gonna be painful..:cool4: 2 no no's in the same post.
arris hide from the man, dont ask questions just run and hide.:D
But why when I have the power of edit...

Phew :behead:

But just incase... you ain't seen me, right :glasses: