Hi all!


New Member
Just dropping by to say hello to everyone. Haven't been in for a while. Not much interesting going on. Unless you count getting a new dog of course. Her name is ara.

So how's everyone doing?


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Janimal said:
Just dropping by to say hello to everyone. Haven't been in for a while. Not much interesting going on. Unless you count getting a new dog of course. Her name is ara.

So how's everyone doing?
Hey, welcome back!! :wave:

And dogs rule :D I have one too, a pug, named Tracy. :p

Long time no see!!

That is a very cute dog.

This is my doggie, her name is Gizmo.


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gizmo.jpg, 9.80kb

She is in Brampton with my mommy and brother. I am in Hamilton at school. When I go home she follows me around though cause she missed me!!! :love3: Gizmo :love3:
I saw my doggie for like 1 min! YAY!

We went to Brampton to visit one of my roomies who is home sick (she also lives in Brampton) so I stopped at my house and I saw my doggie!
JANIMAL.......Never seen ya here yet, but "Hi" & ya got yerself one cute little doggie there! Even the "toughest" shell has to soften just a bit when they see such a little Darlin'! :)

........and greenfreak........very cool cinematatrics! ;)
hey jan welcome back. cute doggie. hi sara. will you and ards be posting more now? hope so. welcome back to ards too havent seen him post in a long time.