Hmmmm its 7am and its been another boring day...........


OH yes good ole summer vaction, or shoudl I jsut say bordem. Rural MN is boring if you all didn't know it! I have literaly splet for 12 hours each of the last 3 days.... that is no good.

Get up play CS online for a few hours, sit reading this for a few hours and usually call it a day. Fucking sad. On the up side however amazing have lifted weights three times this week and even ran twice. Think that is a record for me.

Another hour and a half I can go get a package weighed and then go to bed til the fed ex guy shows up to pick it up and then go back to bed. Woooo hoooo

Definely either need to start drinking more beer or get a girlfriend. I think the beer is the much more viable option being i will never get the fuck outa this
And he would have the money to buy beer and drink it with her girlfriend....
Bah I get enough cash running my comp business in the summer. No need to get a job! Muhahahha Gym is to far away (40 miles) to make it reasonable to go to thus I make due with free weights and running.......wooo hooo anyhow get to help my mother to day on her farm, cleaning up the trees or some damn thing looks like I won't be :mad: