
Perhaps you are a stranger gurl than you let on.

My 18 yr old Son saw it and was quite disturbed by it.

Now granted he's never served in combat but he's
not been a sheltered prep school boi iether (no wait heh)

but the extreme
torture\violence\mega-titties\Slovakian-whores run over by cars...

it certainly sounds like a movie worth missing

he made a comparison to the Nick Berg beheading video

"ya know Dad, how there's some things you just can't unsee?

Yeah kid,

I know...
I like Quentin Taratino movies but I think this one I will just doesn't seem to have much of a plot, just rides on the violence and gore.
tonksy said:
I like Quentin Taratino movies but I think this one I will just doesn't seem to have much of a plot, just rides on the violence and gore.

Yeah. And boobs. That's about it. I mean seriously, there is a point where I have to draw the line with the whole boobs thing, and there was just way too much of that for my taste. It's definately a guy's movie: tits and violence.
That's funny even my kid said the boobs were over done.

The over abundant violence in Kill Bill I & II was comedy.

The kid said if you'd rented this on DVD you'd not even choose to finish watching it, now that's a bad flick!

Yeah S & P, if the kid being raised in this house has a shred of decency left
I certainly went wrong somewhere’s!

Now that he's off to college I guess it is to late to correct the mistake?
wow, I thought this one was going to be pretty good. I didn't see it yet, but based on the reviews here, I'll just wait until it comes to DVD or whatever.
BeardofPants said:
I got it, I just thought it was so beyond terrible, it wasn't worth acknowledging. :p

Yeah Inky, you're getting SO good at it that we can't even muster a response seems to second nature to you that it scares us.
I considered that, but ultimately concluded that more people would get the joke with the spelling I used. I try to please the masses, after all.