Hottest news presenters.

I've always had a thing for Matt Lauer


I sat next to this woman last night at dinner who looked exactly like a local NY anchorwoman Roz Abrams except she was prettier:

unclehobart said:
She can get a rise out of my DOW any day she likes...

Dirty Old Wiener?

BTW, love the fact that you listen to an Indian for your posh voice fix. :D
I can't believe you just did that GF.

Matt Lauer?! Peewee Herman or Charles Manson i could understand but Matt Lauer?!:disgust2:

I sorry.

You really don't think he's cute? I'd like to hear from a woman, cus I think he's really got the cute thing goin on, not to mention his smile. I'm going strictly by looks here, nothing else.
But that new haircut he's been! I won't say anything about personality since this thread is one dimensional.:D
a taste of ontario :)

Liza Fromer

Jennifer Valentyne

Liz West

Merella Fernandez

where's the hot men? :confuse3:
Whoa, I think we might have a winner. Nice catch, Gonz. :cool:

She might actually make Fox News worth watching...