house of 1000 corpses


Well-Known Member
anyone else going to see that? i dont like rob zombies solo music i really want to see this movie :D
Any idea if he grew up catholic? Seems like a (recovering?) catholic to me. To those who survive it, a twisted religious upbringing, has given us some of the best entertainment. Like Marilyn Manson, I don’t care for his music all that much, but I find the man himself fascinating. Some entertainers have just played up on the satanic thing, like Alice Cooper, but some believe they are inspired by evil. Manson was heard to have been "baptized" a church of Satan priest by Anton Levy.
I'm a recovered catholic myself (just keep those "Ave Maria's" away from me and I'll be fine!). As a child I knew that Satan had it in for me and if I didn't go to church every Sunday and confession every Friday I'd go straight to hell if I died! :eek: I also had the misfortune to be baptised in Westminster Cathedral in London on St Valentine's Day, 1958 which still has the ability to make me feel guilty for renouncing my faith.

Probably explains a lot.
Unfortunate how religion has killed and screwed up more people than most people are aware.

Christians - Killed more people than WWI WWII and the approaching WWIII

Catholics - Waaaay to early gay sex with preists.

Jahova's Witnesses - Let their own children die on an operating room table vs. giving them a pint of blood.

Muslims - Think a bunch of virgins are waiting for them on the other side, if they kill the right people.

Jews - What can I say, they've had a rough start. No Jesus here, so if they are wrong, then hell awaits.

Agnostic - Sitting on the fence til they are on their deathbed, best one yet but risky if death is sudden.

Mormon - Think Jesus made his way to the United States, thier way or the highway.

Buddhist - Looking to transcend all the limitations of ordinary existence and attain the highest state of all, full enlightenment.
Sorta the same as a Jedi I think.

Satan Worshipers - Know where they are headed and are pretty sure the party is on at Lucifers pad, sex drugs and rock and roll.

Other, I.E. Jonestown etc - Dont know how to make electric Kool_aid that wont kill ya.

Me - I dont know, and neither does anyone else ;)
cubcake1 said:
Any idea if he grew up catholic? Seems like a (recovering?) catholic to me

not to my knowledge. and mansons parents werent devout catholics they just wanted him to get as better education.
I'm not a big fan of Rob Zombie but it looks freak-ishly spooky enough for me to want to watch it...

As for Marilyn Manson, I can't look at the guy but I like some of his music. :shrug:
halamikage said:
As for Marilyn Manson, I can't look at the guy but I like some of his music.

he is terribly ugly. no wonder i relate to the music so much :D