How do I get super glue out of clothing?


New Member
I was fixing my sword (my manager broke the handle) with super glue. The super glue leaked and got all over my black EVANESCENCE TOUR SHIRT! GUH! Does ANYONE know how to get super glue out of clothing?


New Member
Try nail polish remover. If that doesn't work, you may have to go for an actual superglue solvent, which you may be able to find in craft stores.

Edited to add: It needs to be an acetone-based nail polish remover.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Camelyn said:
Try nail polish remover. If that doesn't work, you may have to go for an actual superglue solvent, which you may be able to find in craft stores.

I was going to suggest scissors, but I don't think you'll use that idea... :grinno:


Well-Known Member
HomeLAN said:
Acetone. Only way I know.
IIRC, doesn't acetone do some pretty nasty things to polyester or fleece-based materials? But then again maybe the shirt is 100% cotton...


New Member
Kawaii said:
IIRC, doesn't acetone do some pretty nasty things to polyester or fleece-based materials? But then again maybe the shirt is 100% cotton...

According to the wife, you're OK with organic materials, but it'll screw up man-made fibers. Could be wrong, though.


Well-Known Member
But regardless of the material, it'll probably bleach your black t-shirt. Have you tried the old manual method of flex, rub and pick? Superglue isn't flexible, and a regular wash will probably break it up to the point that you can scratch it off.


Well-Known Member
Same deal. It's tthe flexing of the brittle glue that does it. Superglue is crystaline in nature. If nothing else, it's worth a shot before you risk bleaching it to death.


New Member
Try pouring some eucalyptus oil over it.
It generally works with gum that you can't freeze off or get off with a knife.
Plus, even if it doesn't work, it won't damage your shirt.