How does it happen?


New Member
So I noticed that Paul is 100% Canadian Beef & Winky is dastardly....

Just wondered how on earth they managed to scrounge up such nifty user title thingies?


100% Pure Canadian Beef
AlphaTroll said:
So I noticed that Paul is 100% Canadian Beef & Winky is dastardly....

Just wondered how on earth they managed to scrounge up such nifty user title thingies?

I had nothing to do with mine

except earning it.


New Member
*insert witty comeback*


I was just wondering if only special people get to have such titles, or if you're supposed to apply for it. Or is it simply a matter of kowing (or pissing off) the right people? And did they get to choose it or was it simply handed down?


New Member
Speaking of dastardly, that's one evil mofo of a penguin you have there, Kaz. :blank:
*wants to know who they got user titles as well, and wonders who she'd have to flash to get one herself.


New Member
Yeah, I want to be the Passion Pink Pouncer

(OK, not really, but I am willing to assist in the BoP flashing saga if it helps)


New Member
No most definitely not. Seems I have a bit of a weak bladder these days...or maybe it's just the 2+ liters of water I drink every day...anyway, torture will not go down well.


Staff member
Come to look at it now, there's a few missed. chcr, Gato_Solo, and freako104 never got theirs, if they wanted them. Looks like Inky is next.


Staff member
As I'm a slacker, they have to come to me if they want it :lloyd:

*awaits alex's renewed beating*


Staff member
Leslie said:
Come to look at it now, there's a few missed. chcr, Gato_Solo, and freako104 never got theirs, if they wanted them. Looks like Inky is next.

I don't think I ever got mine...or do I have to do "moderator" :eyebrow: