How does this photo strike you?

Surreal was the word i had in mind. Kind of 1984 overtones but at the same time...once you grasp how amazing our nation really is(or was) compared to much of the rest of the world, and realize that much of the system really is there to keep us safe, you can definitely understand why different people would see different things.
Reminds me of one of those "in the future " type movie where armed personel patroled the streets .Give him a gorilla face and we have Planet of the Apes.

{Charleton Heston} Nooooo...... {/Charleton Heston}
It tells me we have more work to do. Our first job is stopping those who wish us harm. Our second job is putting these guys outta work.
Gonz said:
It tells me we have more work to do. Our first job is stopping those who wish us harm. Our second job is putting these guys outta work.

Once again, I have to say that I don't think you are paranoid enough. Perhaps we are doing exactly as the terrorists intend. Making it so the people will accept any change that makes them feel safer. I could be wrong, but it worries me very much.
It doesn't make me feel safer. It makes me feel protected. Nothing, short of killing the enemy, will make us safe(r). I was lamenting these reports all day. Snipers, Gunships, NBC detectors, closed airspace...
It's not really the idea of gunships patrolling our skies that bother me but rather the paranoid paperwork behind it. ie the patriot act. We'll never be able to defeat terrorism on a police/military scale. This is learned behavior and we must deal with those that are learning it and put a stop to this type of education. Sofar we have failed at the latter. The Violence inflicted upon us is only a symptom of the disease. Putting a band-aid on a sore caused by cancer is all fine and good but the sores will never go away if the cancer isn't removed.
My guess is they want us to be all hyped up right now. They will wait until the alert level goes down, then they strike. What would be the logic in striking when your opponent has his garde up?
HeXp£Øi± said:
I just thought that it made... perhaps a few varying statements.
What does this photo say to you?

I like seeing pictures like that. I liked knowing there were bomb sniffing dogs, men with machine guns and Coast Guard boats patrolling NYC last night. You might too if it was your home.

I don't see it as Big Brother, what's the alternative when the security level is at orange? I don't think anyone would feel better if they were a major target and there weren't people around protecting you as much as possible.
Hex said:
We'll never be able to defeat terrorism on a police/military scale.


Hex said:
Putting a band-aid on a sore caused by cancer is all fine and good but the sores will never go away if the cancer isn't removed.

Those are conflicting statements.

Remove by force those in a position & willing to immediately do us damage & then educate the remaining.

War is seldom all one & none of the other. Intel & firepower, espionage & diplomacy, hand in hand win wars.
Gonz said:

Those are conflicting statements.

Remove by force those in a position & willing to immediately do us damage & then educate the remaining.

War is seldom all one & none of the other. Intel & firepower, espionage & diplomacy, hand in hand win wars.

They're only conflicting statements if you believe that violence is the only means we have to combat terrorism. This is far from the truth. Anyone who thinks that our policies towards Saudi Arabia, Iran and the like are perfect, is mistaken. This does not mean we need to storm in and attack every extremist school. We are still a political and economic powerhouse. There is much that we can do that we are not yet doing.
Being a powerhouse works wonders with country-states that have need of our goods, services or capital. (read Libya) It doesn't do diddly with an rich independent & his group of thugs. What do they have to lose that they aren't already willing to give up (theorhetically)?
The middle east needs our money. For starters, there's a hell of a lot we can do to Saudi Arabia. But there is a downside, it's called self sacrafice. We can start buying oil from friendly countries at higher prices and or start enforcing strict regulations on our power standards. It hurts, but violence hurts as well. The only question is what sacrafice do you want to make, men or money? Just look at all the steps SA has taken in the last few months against terrorism. Just imagine what they'd do if we cut 25% of our intake of SA oil and told them next year we'd be cutting another 25% if we didn't see results.
That is true terrorism. The Shaikhs would be shaking in their sandals.
Imagine how much it would hurt to have 3-4000 daisy cutters raining down on their head.

I think i see where we seperate...I see this as a group effort & you see this as a regional, or even state, effort. I don't think there are many "official" hands in the pot. There may (most likely is) be officials hands but few are tied to the homeland. When they are, they get chopped off. We already cut our Saudi oil intake drastically. Europe is the one paying their piper.
Hmmm, so this is what happens when Gonz gives up smoking. :lol: You need to chill man... *nicks Gonz' trousers* That should cool ya down. ;)