How Many Americans Support The War?...

i had not known about the human shields nore reason for me to hate him. i know we can minimise the effects but stil killing innocence at all is wrong in my eyes.
Another case against Saddam is his use of civilian air raid shelters for command and control bunkers during daylight hours.
nnewton said:
actually when hitler attacked poland england and france declared war on him

Yes, they did, but they let Hitler roll through the Balkans with nary an outburst. Poland was an ally of both England and France, so they declared war on Germany on principal. They let him pretty much do what he wanted anyway, though, because the Soviet Union was briefly allied with Germany, and it was better to let the Germans and the Soviets have Poland than it was to put up much of a fuss. If France and England had followed through on their declaration, instead of relying on the Maginot Line to defend them, then perhaps things would've been different. ;)
germany occupied the balkans after france had already capitulated and britain was fighting them in north africa. the british didnt have the equipment or the manpower to attack hitlers "fortress europe" alone. as for poland, they were in the unfortunate position of being between germany and russia. if the allies had landed in poland (which in itself would have been very difficult) they undoubtedly would have been easily crushed by the german forces who would have had infinitely better lines of supply. also they would have been in danger of ending up at war with the soviets, which would have been disasterous. the fact is that england and france were not prepared to fight a war and germany was.
overall i agree that appeasment was a dumb move, but not as dumb as the move that led to it, which was the incredibly harsh and unfair treaty of versailles. this is what made germany such an unstable place to begin with and allowed people like hitler to come to power. the appeasers were trying to do something reasonable, which was get rid of the strictures of versailles that were causing all the problems. that this would not work was not readily apparent at the time. it should have worked, i think in a more normal course of events it would have. but by that time hitler was is power and he didnt just want to make things better for germany: he wanted world domination.
It seems like Bush is stretching for excuses to attack Saddam. Not that there aren't any reasons to hate the guy, but I'm not convinced that war is the way to go just yet.
i think the problem of removing Saddam from Iraq is the easy part. the difficult part will be to convince North Korea that they cannot bully the US with threats of nuclear attacks. i've reached the conclusion the North Koreans are fools with extremely powerful weapons. i think they might be foolish enough to use them.
Newsweek had an article about that whether he is more dangerous than Sadam. but bubba is right he would be a fool to attack because the last i heard was that AMerica is a superpower in the world which means countries are less likely to try shit with us(although 9/11 happened i doubt itll happen again soon if ever cause look at the retaliation) but they can attack that is always a fear that they will
freako104 said:
(although 9/11 happened i doubt itll happen again soon if ever cause look at the retaliation) but they can attack that is always a fear that they will

The reason 9/11 happened is because no other country can get away with such an attack. Terrorist organizations are not countries. Most are supported, in some way or another, by foreign governments, but because it isn't direct support, who do we attack? That's the problem we face right now. We're being 'forced' to be the worlds police force simply due to our vulnerability to an individuals 'right to hate'.
freako104 said:
hasnt America always calld itself the worlds police??

Nope. That was the Washington Post. The DoD has always been against that kind of policy, as it is extremely hard on the folks in uniform and our equipment. ;)