How would you feel if........


Well-Known Member
you worked somewhere that had a coed bathroom? Not a single toilet room, multiple stall bathroom.


New Member
I don't know. Is it true that men go #2 at work more than women? Because there was this guy who worked here that would go into the bathroom at the same time every morning and stink it up (after his morning coffee). It happens in the women's bathroom but not as often, it seems. Hey, I understand that when ya gotta go, ya gotta go. But my old job had two private handicap bathrooms that were used for when you needed more privacy or to change clothes or something. That was a good system.

If they had both, a main unisex and a seperate private bathroom, that could be cool. But I don't know how comfortable I'd feel with men in the bathroom with me. :shrug:


I want them seperate...:shrug:... I don't want any men coming in while I'm in the ladies room trying to sneak peeks....


Well-Known Member
Many of the clubs here have coed bathrooms, I dare say most of them do now. One in particular has separate bathrooms, but they're separated by a one-way mirror. Now THAT would freak me out--knowing someone COULD be watching me, but not knowing for sure. :eek:

As for the one-roomage I'd be ok with it.

Oh, and for the record, I've never done the #2 special at work or school. Never had to. :shrug:


Staff member
Mirlyn said:
One in particular has separate bathrooms, but they're separated by a one-way mirror. Now THAT would freak me out--knowing someone COULD be watching me, but not knowing for sure. :eek:
What the hell? A one-way mirror?! What do you mean, the ladies can watch the men go poopie and not vice versa?


Well-Known Member
id be ok with it. hell schools can have coed looker rooms too. not trying to sound perverted but what they hey. theres no problems with it unless people start problems.


Well-Known Member
fury said:
What the hell? A one-way mirror?! What do you mean, the ladies can watch the men go poopie and not vice versa?

Other way around. ;) Men can watch the femms. Though, I think its only where the sinks are, not the stalls. Haven't been there, this is only from what I've heard on the radio. I was merely imagining what it would be like for females, with the "not knowing" stuff. :tardbang:


Well-Known Member
Someone was talking about Ally McBeal yesterday and that is one of the things I found intriguing about that show was that they had a coed bathroom. I personally don't think I would like it and I think it would have to be a very professional atmosphere to workout. I'm normally pretty regular with #2 (shortly after coffee, before I shower), so I don't do #2 at work often. But what about #1? Obviously there would only be stalls in a coed bathroom I guess. I don't think I would feel comfortable whizzing with girls on either side of me.


New Member
I'm with you, pad. It would be weird to listen to a guy peeing in the stall next to me, I'd probably wait till he left to do my own business. :eh:


Staff member
I don't even like to pee with other girls in the bathroom. Thankfully there are only 3 stalls in our office bathroom so when you walk in a quick glance tells you if you're alone.

I DEFINATELY wouldn't want guys in the bathroom while I was...


New Member
I had an old boss who liked to walk to the bathroom with me to talk to me about work and tell me things she needed to be done. While she was peeing. I remember sitting there thinking, "Is it rude to pee while she's talking to me in the next stall?" :laugh:


Well-Known Member
greenfreak said:
I had an old boss who liked to walk to the bathroom with me to talk to me about work and tell me things she needed to be done. While she was peeing. I remember sitting there thinking, "Is it rude to pee while she's talking to me in the next stall?" :laugh:

That would have been a little awkward :eh:


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I do my daily business at work most days. It usually happens after the 10 O-clock break, after a cig and coffee.