How would you spend.....

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
...your last 4 minutes on earth?

hyperthetical scenario:

Some meglomaniac has lauched the nukes and they're heading your way. The four minute warning has sounded.... how would you spend those last 4 minutes?

Me? Knowing what I do about our contingency plans I'd probably sit down, have a fag(since 4 minutes isn't long enough to develop cancer) and watch everyone else running around like headless chickens since I'm unlikely to survive the impact.


New Member
i'd listen to some nice music [nothing long, obviously]

if there was longer i'd head to the nearest air/army base. better to get whacked in the impact blast than survive.


<b>mod cow</b>
listen to music and have a fag...ok, or 3 since i would smoke them faster than usual...4 minutes should do it...

now, which music, that's something i have to think about longer...

oh, that's based on my current pathetic social life btw...otherwise i would spend it holding my gf/wife in my arms...


New Member
Um, I live in South Africa, Canada is more likely to get nuked ;)

Okay, but in the spirit of fun....

I'd climb a tree, make myself comfy, put on my CDwalkman, and chill, ,I mean comeon, what else can you do?

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Before I had Katie my youngest brother and I both belonged to the Royal Observer Corp (before it was disbanded) - part of the early warning system that used to exist. We did on a voluntary basis and were classified as uniformed civil servants, which in such an event would have placed us under military law.

Our role in the event of such a scenario was to keep communications open, track and record air and ground impacts, radiation clouds and fallout levels and issue warnings and all clears to government agencies and any other survivors. All our computers were lead shielded, though I'm not sure if that would have been of any use now.

We spent an interesting afternoon plotting 1 megaton bursts over important centres of population e.g. ports, military bases, centres of government, etc. We concluded that nowhere in the British Isles is safe except perhaps the very North Western edge of Scotland. Of course ballistic missiles usually carry multiple warheads these days....

To tell you the truth I really don't know why they keep these things around because I don't believe anyone in their right mind is gonna use them. It makes me wonder whether there really are as many out there as there are supposed to be.

Battlefield weapons however are a different matter, small nuclear devices with a limited range, I'm certain someone is going to use those at some point.

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
You can do whatever you like with your last 4 minutes... I was just wondering when someone was gonna say they'd grab the nearest person and start humping.... trust PT! :D


Not really Banned
Vortex said:
I'd climb a tree, make myself comfy, put on my CDwalkman, and chill, ,I mean comeon, what else can you do?

sounds good, i'd find a cigerette (err, fag) for the hell of it and reflect on something.

/me probably on how the fallout from the US is gonna get professur


New Member
tommyj27 said:
Vortex said:
I'd climb a tree, make myself comfy, put on my CDwalkman, and chill, ,I mean comeon, what else can you do?

sounds good, i'd find a cigerette (err, fag) for the hell of it and reflect on something.
Hmmm, no cigarrette for me, I'd most probably get some tea, or Bicardi or something to drink though :)


Not really Banned
on second thought...

the thoretical apocalypse has to happen during the summer (or I'll be no part of it), i think i'd want to go biking or play frisbee

i wish it were summer in MN