Html Help!


New Member
what're those things called, that you see at the tops of webpages, and it's a list of links, and when you click one, it takes you down to that part of the page... so like,

link at top says "kittens"

you click it, and it takes you further down the page to where the bit about kittens is.

and usually after that, there's a link saying "back to top"?

i need to make one of those things, but i didn't know what to search for on google. can someone tell me A: what those things are called, and B: maybe the html code to do them?


Well-Known Member
Anchors, I believe they're called.

To make one, insert a link... <a href="#kittens">Is it can be kitteh time pleez?</a>, and then at the kitten section, <a name="#kittens">Kittehs yay!</a>


Well-Known Member
Your page works just splendidly in IE7. I'm totally scratching my head as to why it doesn't work right in firefox. I even saved the code to my own system and am trying to tweak it.

OMG... found it. In the links, leave the # signs in, but in the names, remove them. So you'll still have <a href="#3"> but you'll have <a name="3">.

That's one thing that used to piss me off about IE back in the day... it's really forgiving of errors in code. You can forget to close tags all day long and IE will be able to figure out what you were trying to do, so teens amking web pages will think the site is just great when they check in IE and everyone using another browser will have a white page.

One thing I liked about the old Netscape is that when you'd view the source, it would flash the bad part of the code for you to make it easy to find.


New Member
yay thank you! it works now!!! inky saves the day! :hug:

now i guess i understand why some people who write webpages have a ton of browsers with which to check their pages!


New Member
ok, what do i put for the "back to top" link? i currently have it linked to the page, so it just loads the page again from the top, but i think this is inefficient because it has to re-load it. is there another way?


Well-Known Member
Same thing as to create your anchor links... just put <a name="top">top</a> at the top and <a href="#top">back to top</a> at the place you'd like those "back to top" links.


Staff member
You can simply name whatever you have at the top of the page. (for instance a logo, or a hidden div) It doesn't necessarily have to be an <a> for the name to work. Just has to be an <a> for the href to work.