HWC Gallery Deathmatch: who wins a no-holds barred fight?


New Member
my bet is on OmiCRon777. he's already bloodied in the mouth but seems like he's enjoying the taste of it! :D

some of the pictures are hilarious....

seriouslly though, I never would have imagined some of the members looked the way they really did.

you're right. he wins :D Welcome to OTC :headbang:
Man I could win with my pack of rats....I got 4 and a hamster you know! One was pregnant when I got her so at one point I had 12, but I found homes for them, but I could also draw on my mother's ever expanding army of 30+ Siberian dwarf hamsters, and you could add in my dog and my moms 6 dogs, and 3 cats...what can I say, I was raised to love animals!
Picture 13.jpg

Theres a webcam shot of my 4 ratties, damn hard to keep them under control for the shot, but they are ,Pinkie, Houdini, Spot, and Ratsetta.
they look great! :) when hubby and I met we each happened to have a white rat, Sid, and Larraby.

They were great pals, they're gone now, but remembered fondly. :(