

Too cute for words
Live, on the Science Channel tomorrow at 9 PM Eastern. :nerd:

*Be there or be cubical.*


Well-Known Member
Any public servers for live cams? If not there ought to be since we're paying for it. Should be a blast.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Radio telescopes on Earth have confirmed that the European Space Agency's Huygens probe has landed on the surface of Titan. NASA's Cassini spacecraft has turned towards Earth and will relay data received from the probe over the next few hours to the Deep Space Network. ESA scientists expect to get the first look at that data about 8:30 a.m. PST


Well-Known Member
Do you guys realize that this is the biggest moment in space exploration since Viking touched down?


Too cute for words
Professur said:
Do you guys realize that this is the biggest moment in space exploration since Viking touched down?
Why yes, yes I do. Thanks for asking. :D


Well-Known Member

There it is, folks. Ground zero, moon base titan.


Too cute for words
Cool! I didn't realize they had a pic up yet.

Can't wait to see some processed ones. :nerd:


Too cute for words
Professur said:
Space.com is crashing under the pressure.
I noticed that. So is jpl in spots. ESA must have bigger servers. Oh no, bigger servers than the Americans?!?!?!? Somebody do something!!!!! :lol2:


<b>mod cow</b>
thanks for the heads up guys! totally forgot that was today! can't believe it actually WORKED! amazing!


molṑn labé
Staff member
When this thread started, I thought it must be a reference to the scientist, maybe a bio special or something not Cassini...so chcr, you're not an official supergeek yet.