I Am Sam


Well-Known Member
I saw this movie on the plane ... I cried and cried and cried, it was sooooo good .. Sean Penn did an incredible job! I never had the want to watch this movie - if it weren't on the plane, I would never have watched it ... I'm gonna buy it as soon as it's out on DVD. I highly recommend this movie ... anyone else see it and love it?
It was the movie I saw when I was up in NYC in January. I liked the little girls performance better. Shes a natural.
no doubt - the girl is great .. it was just great to see Sean pull off such an amazingly convincing portrayal... I thought it was true Oscar stuff. Me and Mapuana (the girl I was with in Milwaukee) were crying so much and so hard that the guys next to us were looking at us as if they thought we might just break :D