I concede


molṑn labé
Staff member
It is with sad heart that Gonzo Propaganda is forced to concede its propaganda war to Iraq's Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf.

Nobody can pass information the way this guy does. After watching his interview on Al Jazeera TV this morning, he is King of Propaganda. All Hail the King.

* waiting for the day he's speaking & the Marines show up on live TV, with him. That'll be a show to not miss. :D
"Today we slaughtered them in the airport. They are out of Saddam International Airport," Sahaf said. "The force that was in the airport, this force was destroyed."


LondonTimes said:
After British SAS and US Delta Force special operations teams spent Thursday morning making covert reconnaissance patrols of the airport’s outer perimeter they pulled back in preparation for a dusk assault that could be clearly heard ten miles away in central Baghdad.

By the account of one witness, however, it was hardly a battle. “US troops moved in here like it was a walk in the park,” reported Jim Axelrod of the American CBS television network. The US had turned up with the latest in military hardware; the Iraqi forces numbered about 500.

Maore press lies?

NYTimes said:
EAR BAGHDAD, April 5 — A suicide bomber has attacked U.S. army soldiers at Baghdad international airport, a U.S. Marine gunnery sergeant said on Saturday.

If we aren't there, why are we being attacked there?

WashingtonPost said:
After armored Marine columns pushed to the eastern outskirts of Baghdad on Friday and Army troops seized full control of the international airport, the U.S. forces appeared to have Baghdad and its 5 million inhabitants in a vise by day's end, with Marines in the east, Army brigades to the south and west and Special Operations forces blocking the main highway leading north.

Full control? What's that mean?

I'm telling you, this guy is good.
When they catch this guy, I don't want to see him executed. I want him to have to hold a press conference with a marine guard surrounding him and deny that he has been captured, deny that Iraq has lost the war, deny that there are any marines standing next to him, deny that the press conference is actually being held, deny that the sky is blue and deny that the grass is green. Then I want to see him escorted away in a straight jacket.
It would be quite amusing to sit him down, play tapes of his statements one at a time, and have him readdress them. They could make it an HBO special.:D
Ardsgaine said:
When they catch this guy, I don't want to see him executed. I want him to have to hold a press conference with a marine guard surrounding him and deny that he has been captured, deny that Iraq has lost the war, deny that there are any marines standing next to him, deny that the press conference is actually being held, deny that the sky is blue and deny that the grass is green. Then I want to see him escorted away in a straight jacket.
I'm telling you, they picked this guy up in Bellvue....he's actually a schizophrenic from Hoboken, and someone from the Ministry of Comedy is having a joke at everyone else's expense...

I know for a fact the guy's name is really Bob and when he's properly medicated he's a shit hot used car salesman..

...it was on Al-Jazeera
:) :D :laugh: :laugh2:
this is the best kind

"We were able to chop off their rotten heads," the Iraqi armed forces said in a televised statement, claiming victories no one could see.

:laugh3: :laugh4: :lol: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3:
Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, can you hear us now?

Finally, there are pics form Baghdad Int'l Airport ( i was getting nervous)

Sir, she said TICKET PLEASE!!!
Gonz said:
i was getting nervous

Starting to wonder if that guy was telling the truth? :D That's the beauty of the Big Lie. It's so audacious that people can't believe someone would say it if it weren't true.
Yeah, sure... Next thing you'll be telling me that Elvis is dead and Paul McCartney is alive.

Take your conspiracy theories elsewhere.
* psssttt, unc, did you hear that Dennis Hopper & David Crosby haven't kicked the bucket yet. No shit. Same with Keith Richard(s)