I concede

Professur said:
Keith could have died ten years ago and you couldn't tell the diff.
I think he may be functionally immortal (immoral? either or both).
last one


And these must be American POWs awaiting interrogation in one of Saddam's palaces...

(And while we're at it, there are no, I repeat, NO weapons of mass destruction in Iraq...)
This guy has a job waiting for him here, assuming he survives. I mean...he doesn't REALLY do any killing...he just sits up there and runs his parade of buffoonery at the Info Ministry....

...and no one really takes it seriously anymore, I don't think...

..and he IS funny...

I see him in some Sat. Nite Live sketches...maybe a couple Letterman gigs...

..some infomercials for web access kiosks, maybe...

..."Thee bhest spots they are steel afaylable....meester Beel Ghates say thot thees will bee thee future of thee eenternet and there weel be some of thee people lining up to pay you meelions of dinars for you eenternet machine...geev us a call today a tiny leetle bit of investment weel be rrrrequired "

...he sort of grows on you....

Yup him and Ari fleischer will make a great team. I mean c'mon...what are they gonna do? They've both got the worst jobs imaginable. You can either a:lie and keep your job or in this case your life or b: tell the truth and get fired or quit as George Stephanopoulos did unde Clinton. In this case getting fired of course means being thrown in the lions den if any such thing still exists.
He is still too funny but I've learned he has degree in American Literature from an American college :eek:
Well, he's not funny anymore. Just blow him up too.

He was studying to be an English teacher when he got his start in politics in 1963 by joining a violent group led by Saddam that targeted opponents of the Baath party. After a 1963 coup, he revealed the whereabouts of his brother-in-law, an army general and the country's military prosecutor, who was then killed by Baath party militias. By handing over his relative, al-Sahhaf proved his loyalty to the Baath party.

Not to sound pro-al-Sahaf... but I'm kinda surprised that Saddam International Airport would have the sign in English, with it being in Iraq and all.