I figured it out

God hates me... he wants to see me miserable, so he throws everything at me all at once to see how badly I crack under all the pressure. Same with everyone else... I get it now... we were not put on this earth for a reason, unless you consider sadistic entertainment for God a reason... he wants to see his people suffer... that's why he's creating all this disaster and ruining everyone's lives.

It all makes perfect sense now...
It's hard to imagine all the chickens crossing roads in peace at all when you consider I'm imagining myself killing them all before they step off the sidewalk... GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!#$!#^%#%$#%!$% MOTHERFUCKING SHITFUCK COCKSUCKER CUNT LICKER!@#

damn, I don't even feel better after that either...
:tardbang:I don't get it... other people have bigger fucking problems than me... their problems are big fucking whales of problems and they seem to cope with them fine...

Who's that big guy sitting in the sky that hates me then? mine are just little fucking algae... so why is it that I turn into a fucking mess every time my tiny fucking algae show their little ugly faces?
He just says in a muffled voice without moving his mouth, "There is no pink rabbit. You are imagining things. Go on about your daily business as if I am not here." and continues to mysteriously look around the room every 5 seconds...
No, that guy can't really freak anyone out, he just makes a weird humming noise and has this one cute little blinking red light that looks like a power LED. Hey, has anyone seen my video camera? I haven't seen it since that nice man in the black suit came to talk to me... what the hell am I doing wrong that I can't even cope with bombing on an ACT, getting laid off, and getting my cold back, when other people can get through having their best friend commit suicide and their girlfriend become a criminal?
omfg I'm stupid...*slappingselfinforehead* I should have thought of this before :blush:

fury, go to church on Sunday. go for the next few Sundays.

if you like the reverend/priest whatever he/she is...make an appt. to go talk to them.
Leslie said:
ask the giant 6ft. pink rabbit sitting in the chair beside you.
I thought that was a hallucination.

Seriously flurff, bad shit happens to everyone. It's going to happen again, and again unless you're very, very lucky. Look at what Leslie's going through right now. I think you hang on to whatever happiness you manage to find with all your might, and ignore the fact that life is handing you the shitty end of the stick. It's the only end most of us are ever going to see. You'll get through this, everyone does. I'm sorry this sounds so fucking lame and inadequate, but I don't know another way to put it. If you remember this twenty or thirty years from now, you might think I was right. You might not. As for the god thing, that is seriously what I believe.

Oh, and don't forget what Gonz wrote.
Church never did me any good... just like school. I always got frustrated because of all the fluff I had to sit through in order to get any beef. like I ever cared about the beef either.. i'm a total failure...