I hate Win-blows


Capitalizing Bastich
Yah, Windoes sucks ass. Ive had nothing but problems. I was watching Screen Savers on TechTV and they were told my microsoft that "Ha;f of the problems arent causes by windows". That now something you want to be proud about. Take windows XP for example, it uses so much system resources, and theres always something wrong.

Ive spent the last 2 days working endlessly to get windows running smoothly again. Ive had to format over 5 times and i installed other windows OS's as well. I thought i had that gay maxblaster worm but apprently i dont. I kept getting blue screen, programs wouldnt work and they would always crash. Then eventually win-blows would even start. So it took me 5 hours just to figure out how to format my drive and start clean. I lost over 20 gigs of music i wont be able to find again. I lost a pirated adobe that took me 5 hours to download (arggg) and many other things i never backed up that i wont be able to find again.

Im currently running XP now, theres nothing installed yet I dont even have any drivers. The last time i had it running earler today the windows update and service packs totally fuced everything up. I woudlnt even install anything without it crashing!!!

It may be windows, or hardware going bad becuase i took it apart a few days ago for a good dust cleaning. Or maybe it would be both. It wouldnt let be install windows with l1 CACHE enables in the bios! So i had to install windows without BIOS CACHE and it took 3 god damn hours for it to install!!!!!

Bleh, i hate technology sometimes

/end rant

::rant edit::

I just remebered, i lost all my adobe art!!! All my CG'ed pictures that took me an hour to do... aggg, i hate this shit!

I want linux
What was the error message?

If it was IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL try turning the clocking on your CPU/hardware down. Fixed it for me
Flash to a newer BIOS,other than that the board might be fubared if you're running default speed, could be memory, check with memtest.
I don't have an OC'ers motherboard but i can change a few settings. There not at stock setting but i can change the FSB from 100 to 133 and get an extra 400 mhz

If it was IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL try turning the clocking on your CPU/hardware down. Fixed it for me

I got that error when i was installing windows, i fixed it by disabling bios cache when installing. I havent got a clue screen all day but i still cant install anything.

Ill ask Kruz about flashing th bios, because i have never updated it at all. Its an old peice of crap, i dont even think i can....

My dad updated the bios incoreectly one time and the motherboard trned into a paperwieght, so i dont wanna do it, instead ill make someone do it who has experince..

So far ive been blaming it on windows are seagate, i think im about to add a few more to the list.
Hmm..im gonna try to play around with this at default settings in the BIOS and see what happens...yay..
Okie Dokie. All i did was change my FSB and now its back to default. Im running at 1050mhz instead of the 1400 im accustumed to. Im guessing that everything will work fine for a while, but would that mean my hardware could be bad. Im thinking it could either be MY processor OR my shitty motherboard...ahhh, either way its gonna need money i dont have
Ok, i got lost, Is 1400MHz the default speed of the CPU? If it isn't then you are obviously ocing it and that's why you are losing stability, puting the CPU back to its default speed should solve the problems.
1050 is the default speed. After i play with it i can get it to 1400.

I cannot change the volatage or anything, only thing i can do is change the FSB from 100 to 133

so yah, its at its default speeds, but i want those extra 400 mhz :(
You have a 1400MHz Thunderbird, 10.5x133, theres no 100Mz processor that has a 10.5x. Theres 1000, 1100 and 1200 and so on but no 1050, so you definetly have a 133 bus 1400Mhz processor.
so you definetly have a 133 bus 1400Mhz processor


and im still wondering. IF i cant run at 1400 like i have been since i got the motherboard and CPU...which one is going bad? CPU or MOBO??

Ahh, all this gives me a headache.
Check temps, an overheating processor may work fine at a lower clock speed, lower memory timings, may have been set too high and at 133 can't handle it, check that the ratio is not set in a way as to have it at 166 when the cpu fsb is 133. basically clear the cmos and work fresh at 1400 and see if it gives problems, if the temps are ok. The power supply as well may be faulty, suggest you try another one, the 1400 T bird is a real juicer for power btw.
Bahhh. Some crap happened with counterstrike and i ran a MEM test and it was fine, so i guess ill have to flash the bios, pray i dont screw up, and hopefuly it will work...

oh, im in store for some fun tonight, ugg
Yeah, you should make a text with all the possible causes of system crashes and then just copy and paste it everytime anyone has a problem :finger:

;) :D
Luis G said:
Yeah, you should make a text with all the possible causes of system crashes and then just copy and paste it everytime anyone has a problem :finger:

;) :D
or just avoid threads like this ;)