i have been violated


New Member
.....or so it would seem
dragonstar has run amok, and i had no control and so here i start all over again


oh well, back to the beginning
Professur said:
Um, yeah, right.

so you've never been showing someone around a site and left them for a while and before you know it a few posts have been made, some funny, some bizarre, and some just plain rude?
my apoligies to all if i, or dragonstar, has caused offense:winkkiss:
If you want to change your ways to the better, start with capitalisation and proper punctuation. I promise you'll be taken a lot more seriously.
Kawaii said:
If you want to change your ways to the better, start with capitalisation and proper punctuation. I promise you'll be taken a lot more seriously.

i saw that:laugh2: (your first attempt)
thanks for the tips, but i'll keep my style just the same!:winkkiss:
Kawaii said:
If you want to change your ways to the better, start with capitalisation and proper punctuation. I promise you'll be taken a lot more seriously.
watch the capitalization comments there, kawaii :winkkiss:
I said commanist NOT communist (commanist because you're just about the only person who punctuates your sentences around here. And capitalist because you insisted that people use capital letters).

So if you want anything on your flag, rather make it commas and full stops.....maybe a few exclamation marks........
hehehehe i only use capitals when really necessary or i need to stress a point i feel strongly about:winkkiss:
..........i do, however, have a punctuation problem, comma, commas, commas, everywhere,
i, c,a,n,'t, g,e,t, e,n,o,u,g,h, o,f, t,h,e,m, !,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!
breaky said:
hehehehe i only use capitals when really necessary or i need to stress a point i feel strongly about:winkkiss:
..........i do, however, have a punctuation problem, comma, commas, commas, everywhere,
i, c,a,n,'t, g,e,t, e,n,o,u,g,h, o,f, t,h,e,m, !,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!,!
good, i'm not, the only, one, who is afraid of the shift key and period, ;)