I know David Cobb will be President, Pat LaMarche will be Vice-President


New Member
People I have remote viewed through time to find out that David Cobb and Pat LaMarche of the Green Party will be elected President/Vice-President. Most of the 100 million registered voters who didn't vote last time will vote for those two. They'll outnumber the 50 million voters who'll probably vote Bush and the 50 million voters who'll probably vote Kerry voters.


Well-Known Member
Oh what a wunderful world we'd be living in today
if Goldwater would have won in 64!

Actually It might be GREAT if the candidates that PW listed were to win. Think about it!


molṑn labé
Staff member
That's partially why I voted for Nader in '00. He stood the best chance of winning of any 3rd party candidate & with the two major losers on the ballot, did it matter? For the first time in my life I intentionally wasted a vote.

I learned my lesson.


Well-Known Member
Good Lord Gonz you didn't vote for Bush? lol
Did I read that right?!?

every vote for Nader is one less for the commie Kerry!

Go Nader!!!