I love my thumbs


New Member
Another reason that I love having opposable thumbs.

Somehow I chipped my middle fingernail into a very sharp edge and then proceeded to cut my thumb with that fingernail. It was quite the gash for such a small area of tough skin. I put on a band-aid but was still unable to use my thumb while making breakfast as the idea of sausage grease in the band-aid and cut was not appealing to me. Later, a friend and I were eating Thai food (in hopes of that whole spicy food may start labor idea) and I got spicy soup and sauce in my cut like 8 times and I realized that I once again would have to give up my ability to use the opposable thumb.
I love thumbs too

About the whole inducing labour thing...my mom's friend was a few weeks past her due date but the doctor didn't see any reason to induce and she tried everything she could think of...took a tennis ball to the stomach (accidentally when she was picking her other daughter up from school) to finally do it!
Thumbs are great. Would Siskel and Ebert have had any sort of career if it weren't for their thumbs?
Lissa, you do realize that you've another one on the other side, doncha? Use it instead of the cut one.
Professur said:
Lissa, you do realize that you've another one on the other side, doncha? Use it instead of the cut one.

That's hard when you are trying to eat with your hands. I am not nearly refined enough to eat pizza and eggrolls and the like with a fork and knife. :D
Inkara1 said:
Thumbs are great. Would Siskel and Ebert have had any sort of career if it weren't for their thumbs?


Is it just me, or are you getting sillier and sillier as the years go by? :)
PrincessLissa said:
That's hard when you are trying to eat with your hands. I am not nearly refined enough to eat pizza and eggrolls and the like with a fork and knife. :D

I only use one hand for pizza.