IBM 120gig 8MB Cache woohoo!


New Member
I just ordered this today.... should be in friday. MAN what a speed demon this is :)

MODEL# IC35L120AVV207-1,
Size: 120 Gigabytes
Interface: IDE ULTRA ATA100
Seek time: 8.5ms
Cache 8MB:headbang:

the drive got here yesterday... DOA

all it dies is click.. and bios says "drive failure" :eek2:

I RMA'ed it back to newegg this morning, 2 day mail..
well, I know how you feel fury,:eek:
My two new 60G maxtors are happily chugging away. Are you guys getting OEM drives or summatr?
I think mine just got roughed up a little too hard in shipping. Did you examine yours for physical damage, Kruz? This might be a sign of crappy shipping & handling on Newegg's part.
I got mine mailed from Future Shop in TO to MTL, next day and very well packed. No sign of any roughing up at all.
fury said:
This might be a sign of crappy shipping & handling on Newegg's part.
It could be Neweggs packaging, but once it leaves them, it's FedEx or UPS that has to treat it with some care, and not play football with it during the transport.
it looked like very good packing, large bubble rap all around the drive, and packing peanuts inside the box.. no dents on the box eather.. unless fed-ex used it for a probably just a bad drive
That's about the same way mine arrived, but there was some collapsing around the box corners. That might just 've been from the trip though. For all I know, one of the drives could've left WD bad...

after the deathstars of the past i ain't buying one of their drives again. i have no intention of wasting anymore valuable time rma-ing the things and reinstalling all my stuff once a month.
Kruz said:
it looked like very good packing, large bubble rap all around the drive, and packing peanuts inside the box.. no dents on the box eather.. unless fed-ex used it for a probably just a bad drive

There's your problem. Peanuts are one of the worst packing materials for hard drives. The contents can settle, making them not equidistant from all the sides of the box. You want to ship a drive in foam, just like the foam you see in hard drive retail packaging. Of course, that foam is damn near impossible to find at shipping places anymore.

At least, that's according to Western Digital's website (from when I had to ship a drive back to them a few years back). I figure that might be a good source.
That's only if the packer doesn't know his trade. I used to ship clocks, Royal Doulton, Rolex's from Mtl to Vancouver in peanuts with zero damage.
Professur said:
That's only if the packer doesn't know his trade. I used to ship clocks, Royal Doulton, Rolex's from Mtl to Vancouver in peanuts with zero damage.

In Peanuts,damn them is some small clocks ;)
I'm considering a Samsung 5400 rpm drive with a capacity of 160 that I saw on the web for 134. What ya think? It has a 3 year warranty.
I'd go for the 7200 variety myself, they usually aren't too much more, and you'll be alot happier with the performance. What size cache?