Indoctrination 101

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Making kids pray to the president is ok as long as you are pushing religion down their throats.

Do you think that the kiddie's parents gave the AOK? Being a private school and all, that the parents pay for, of course. :shrug:

Which is nothing like public indoctrination, where parents usually realize what is going on when the kids come home with their eyes glazed over.
Do you think that the kiddie's parents gave the AOK? Being a private school and all, that the parents pay for, of course. :shrug:

Which is nothing like public indoctrination, where parents usually realize what is going on when the kids come home with their eyes glazed over.

Do you have some insider information that the parents were told they'd be praying to Bush and the parents weren't told about this song at the other place?
Can you imagine the right's outcry if they were praying to the president?

They'd lose their shit.

Nothing in that article suggests that those kids are actually praying to the president other than the actual title of the article. If anything, those kids were praying for the president.

Now, spike, you have to admit that those kids singing about Obama is rather odd, to say the least? Especially in the following couple of videos...
Do you have some insider information that the parents were told they'd be praying to Bush and the parents weren't told about this song at the other place?

I know its not very clear to you, but the "Kids on Fire Pentecostal summer camp" might be a good indicator the parent knew that prayer was going land on just about everything possible.
Nothing in that article suggests that those kids are actually praying to the president other than the actual title of the article. If anything, those kids were praying for the president.

Please examine the video and tell me how you interpret it.

I am seriously curious how you explain this vs. the previous video.

Now, spike, you have to admit that those kids singing about Obama is rather odd, to say the least? Especially in the following couple of videos...

I love that you brought this video up. I'm especially happy that both of your videos have "Hitler Youth" in the title. You put a little extra crazy in there with that.

So tell me, what is your problem with this video? This video is of a Step Dance troupe doing a routine they made incorporating how Obama has inspired them to become doctors and lawyers and such.

Somehow this scares you that some youths on their own time unrelated to school would come up with a routine talking about how they been inspired by a successful guy to be successful?

What scares you here?

Don't know the context here but it looks like a commercial but with Hitler thrown in randomly at the end. Love that.

Cute kids, nice commercial. You know what stuff uses a lot of Hitler methodology? Commercials. Also politicians. Also news outlets. Churches especially.

That commercial was nice. Cute kids looking towards the future. Much better than the FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, commies, eugenics, death panel, muslim, marxist, hitler, kenyan, immigrants stealing our jobs, killing grandma, hitleresque drama hysteria we've been hearing.

If you're upset about that than this is really going to disturb you.

I'm with you. Obviously these evangelicals are the craziest fuckers in our country and we should be very suspicious of them. Especially when children are concerned right? Shit this is complete doctrination into crazy shit.
chic, all we're asking is for the gov't to return to its origins & get the fuck out of our way.

No it's not. It's what you (as a group) say you want but what you really want is for things to be done your way regardless of what the majority of Americans want.

Besides, everything has changed. You can't go backward and I'm quite sure you don't really want to. Subsistence living is pretty grim.
No it's not. It's what you (as a group) say you want but what you really want is for things to be done your way regardless of what the majority of Americans want.

Besides, everything has changed. You can't go backward and I'm quite sure you don't really want to. Subsistence living is pretty grim.

Reducing the role of governments control over our lives is forwarding freedom. There is a long history that shows more government involvement is reduction in freedoms. Reduction in freedoms is going backwards.

I do like the lefts double speak though. And we all know, its always been the wrong people in control doing it wrong. Sure, the right people are here and ready to rule. LOLOLOL


If forwarding individual freedom isn't someones thing, move somewhere that better fits your lifestyle.
Friend of fatherless!
Fountain of happiness!
Lord of the swill-bucket!
Oh, how my soul is on
Fire when I gaze at thy
Calm and commanding eye,
Like the sun in the sky,
Comrade Napoleon!

Thou art the giver of
All that thy creatures love,
Full belly twice a day, clean straw to roll upon;
Every beast great or small
Sleeps at peace in his stall,
Thou watchest over all,
Comrade Napoleon!

Had I a sucking pig,
Ere he had grown as big
Even as a pint bottle or as a rolling pin,
He should have learned to be
Faithful and true to thee,
Yes, his first squeal should be
"Comrade Napoleon!"
the right people are here and ready to rule.


Dream on jackass, IF it happens, (but it wont) it'll be....


Praise Jebus, or your choice of G.O.D. for that!

I guaranfuckintee you, if the world went the way you think you want it, you'd realize how astray your philosophy is with a quickness!

You go tell all those old people how much more free they would be without their medicare. I'll wait.

Their kids paid for it.... the with extra money still in their paypacket. Who do you think paid into Medicare in the first place?
Money in, money out. The money paying for whatever treatment they need now came from the pockets of them and their kids. If medicare hadn't taken the money from them by force, they'd have it to pay their own bills now.

Why is the idea of personal responsibility so hard for some people to get?
It's just like insurance. You pay a little bit on regular intervals instead of paying nothing and getting surprised by a $80k bill all of the sudden.
If people were getting the education they used to ... from their parents ... they'd have the understanding to be salting something away for the future. Remember Home Ec class? Isn't taught any more. household budgeting used to be a fundamental part of it. Now ... you're not qualified to look after yourself anymore?
Setting money back for the future doesn't work if you get a major illness or injury when you're 20. Medical costs in general are too unpredictable to plan for. Better to have a group system.
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