Inhale your insulin??

Insulin users have used needles for as long as even I can remember. They get used to it. The inhalers are there just to drive up the cost of the medicine. Call it voodoo economics at work. ;)
Yes, many have used the needles and just dealt with it. Others ignore their diabetes completely because they're not willing to deal with it. I admit that this shouldn't replace needles and will be more expensive, but if you can't deal with needles the extra cost is better than death.
i deal with a fair number of non-compliant diabetics. most seem to be in a state of denial about their disease and what it can do to them. most of the non-compliant ones are younger too. could also be a too much trouble factor. takes time and effort to check your blood sugars and remember to give yourself injections. not to mention the dietary changes.
i wonder if it might be a side effect of the instant gratification culture we have developed.
Spot said:
i deal with a fair number of non-compliant diabetics. most seem to be in a state of denial about their disease and what it can do to them. most of the non-compliant ones are younger too. could also be a too much trouble factor. takes time and effort to check your blood sugars and remember to give yourself injections. not to mention the dietary changes.
i wonder if it might be a side effect of the instant gratification culture we have developed.

Gonz said:
So afraid of needles they'll allow death?

Obviously, you've never dealt with a diabetic child. Try explaining to a 4 year old why they have to prick their finger every couple of hours, every day, and then sitck a needle into their arms, legs, belly, etc. And just when one part of their body stops hurting, you start over on it again. And then, when they're at school, they have to do it themselves. And all their friends are being told to watch out for needles, because of aids and drug users. Great way to make friends.

And most men in treatment, or dying from prostate cancer will admit that they put off seeing a doctor for fear of a finger up the ass.

Yeah, inhaled insulin is a very, very good thing.
They just need to work on a more painless testing method. Something that goes supradermal. Sticking your own finger on a regular basis is still a bit of a pain.
I'd imagine something that looks kinda like a 'stop smoking' patch, but smaller. Put on the forearm..roll up your sleeve, check your levels, roll down your sleeve. Done.
MrBishop said:
I'd imagine something that looks kinda like a 'stop smoking' patch, but smaller. Put on the forearm..roll up your sleeve, check your levels, roll down your sleeve. Done.
I guarantee everyone in the locker room will ask the kid if he's quitting smoking. I got it all the time for my Tourette's patch.