Interesting and salient point...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
lost in a diatribe. Check this out.

The fellow left, but said there was no way he would return to his previous life as a mechanic. Yep, God forbid he would return to a craft where you actually did something that helped people.

So when a young man sees modeling as a more valuable job than that of a mechanic, do you think we've lost sight of what real work is?

Note...there's really nothing wrong with doing a job you long as you do not belittle a job you do not wish to do. The pay is not the only outcome that defines job/work relevancy . ;)
I liked this article better, and NO, they shouldn't be banned, their the best part sometimes!:p

Why Sex Scenes in Movies Should Be Banned
Monday, February 18, 2008

By Greg Gutfeld

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In Italy, a debate has erupted over sex scenes in mainstream films. Italian Bishops say gratuitous sex in films — the kind that usually feature a shirtless Michael Douglas — harm impressionable youth — since most lack the context of love or tenderness.

Of course, we all know that it's the lack of love or tenderness that makes great sex. But even though Catholic bishops talking sexual morality is kinda odd, they've got a point — but for different reasons.

Sex scenes in films should be banned not because they're immoral, but because they are terrible. Usually they are the most uncomfortable five minutes of any film — something that always leaves me squirming nervously next to my date, who is almost always my mom. The actors go out of their way to be sexy. And when people try to be sexy, they end up looking stupid.

I can't remember a single movie where the sex scene actually mattered. And I'm including "Son of Flubber." Fact is, sex scenes are there not to improve the movie, but to generate buzz prior to its release. The golden rule: the more press is devoted to an onscreen coupling, the more likely the film blows. Of course, the only exception is "Tango & Cash." Kurt and Sly seemed so natural together.

And if you disagree with me, then you, sir, are worse than Hitler!
Granted, I didn't hear this bit of dialogue for myself so I can't just take the authors word for it that he was showing that much disdain for his previous job. If it were reversed and he became a mechanic and said he'd never go back to modeling with such alleged disgust, would you feel the same way? Is it the choice of employment, or just belittling your last career that you have an objection to?

I have a hard time giving as much respect to a model as say, a doctor. But it takes all kinds. Fashion is an industry, like it or not, which does boost the economy. As long as there is fashion, there will be models that are judged more on their appearance than their intelligence. And a lot of times, the ones that fit the model mold do not fit many other careers.

Which reminds me, have you ever seen/heard of that "Worlds Most Smartest Model" show? It was actually funny at times, the things they put them through. But also sad... Like watching that Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader show.