interesting case mod site

Cool site, I'm seriously thinking of modding my case, maybe a hammered silver finish with a metalic blue front, a window in the side with some neon lights and some extra fans in the top and side.
I'd like to put in a couple of fans in the side of the case, but am afraid of messing the panel up. The big problem with mine is that it doesn't get much air in from the front.
s4 said:
I'd like to put in a couple of fans in the side of the case, but am afraid of messing the panel up. The big problem with mine is that it doesn't get much air in from the front.

You can get blowhole kits quite cheaply, I'm thinking about putting one between the drives and the PSU in my case so I've been surfing around case modding site most of the day. You just need a drill and jigsaw and some fine files for finishing(got those) - it doesn't look very difficult, they come with instructions, just make sure you use the right drill bits and saws for metal.

The sides of my case should be fairly easy to cut through as the metal isn't very thick, I could probably even do it with a decent hand saw, maybe even tin-snips, though obviously it would take a lot longer.
I've never been good at carpentry or metal working. I'm afraid it might look bad when finished.
Oh, I used to be total crap years ago, I've had more DIY disasters than you've had hot dinners probably, but if you never try you never learn how. Thing to do is try it out on something that you don't mind messing up first. Maybe just a sheet of metal or an old case. Read the instructions carefully and take your time. :)