Interesting new twist


molṑn labé
Staff member
Tonight I got another viagara spam. I just take those & automatically put them on my blocked sender list. For once, I was paying was my xibase address. I thought they had gotten clever using hotmail & yahoo addresses. Now they're using your own email to spam you. Ain't that the shits. I PMed Sammy with the details hoping our gracious & wonderful host could make heads or tais of teh info & blow them up, forever.

Keep an eye on who you block, it could be YOU.


Well-Known Member
You just now noticed it? My [email protected] address has been getting spam from "myself" for probably three or four years now.

Worse than that, they'll take random e-mail addresses from their mailing list and put that in the "from" line. I got 17 "quit sending me this crap" e-mails to the same address once from people all over the world that got a spam with my e-mail address in the "from" line.

Luckily, both TCSN and Fresno State have implemented spam filters, so my spam at both addresses has dropped way down.