Interesting problem


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Running xp here, when I try to play games or do anything that takes good video, my computer is restarting. I've tried even just checking the video in Sandra 2004 and it restarts. I tried running the directx tests from dxdiag and it restarts. So, think it's my vid card (Gf4 mx440) or just a program error. I've already reinstalled DirectX, and got the latest driver from Nvidia, but still get the same thing.
I don't think so, I took the vid card out today and cleaned it real good, reset the heat sink on the gpu, used arctic silver on it. The processor is sitting at 38 right now.
Same problem with different drivers, probably a bad implemented acceleration function or the card has gone bye bye. I assume that watching a video with media player does the same.

Try the card in another computer and then try a different card in your puter.
Actually watching vids is fine. It only happens when I try to do some gaming or testing on the card.
I assume the games used to work with that card? The new stuff (and possibly Sandra) would eat up a mx440.
Yeah, it's nothing brand new. NFS Underground, Vice City, hell even Diablo II makes it crash.
Remember that video card you saw at Circuit City & wished mamma would buy you for X-mas?...
PT said:
Actually watching vids is fine. It only happens when I try to do some gaming or testing on the card.

That's weird 'cause wmp uses directdraw acceleration to render the frames :confuse3:
That was why I said heat...if it's getting towards fubared it might be freaking out under stress. Had one do this once. Maybe if you get one of the desktop temp monitors and watch it for a bit while attempting to stress it out?
PT said:
Running xp here, when I try to play games or do anything that takes good video, my computer is restarting. I've tried even just checking the video in Sandra 2004 and it restarts. I tried running the directx tests from dxdiag and it restarts. So, think it's my vid card (Gf4 mx440) or just a program error. I've already reinstalled DirectX, and got the latest driver from Nvidia, but still get the same thing.
You getting a BSOD? Or is it just a simple restart?
I had a gf2 mx400, well it still is here in my nephew's comp, but anyway.
I had it running on win98, and all was fine. I went into HalfLife I think it was,
and the resolution change to something the monitor wouldn't handle apparently.
I tried everything to fix that bastich. No Dice. Doing a fresh install, and
reinstalling the drivers, was all that would work. I think, if I remember right though,
that it was just in that game. Even uninstalling, and trying to clean up everything
associated with the game, it still wouldn't work. I think there were some reg settings there,
or something, so when ever I reinstalled it went back to the same settings.

If you change your regular "windows" resolution setting for the desktop, does
it freak out then?
Changing the resolution doesn't help, doesn't hurt for that matter either. I did do a few more things last night. Went into dxdiag and ran the directdraw and direct3d tests again. It only freaks on the direct3d test. Now, I did make it stop restarting, under system properties, startup and recovery, unchecked the box that makes it restart on an error. Now it just does a bsod. Get an error code too. Forgot to bring that error code with me, but it just says STOP 0x000 something something something.
Sounds like a memory error....but then again, stressing it with playing movies should throw up the same thing....
Are you thinking video memory or system memory? I've switched out the system memory with my wifes pc, thankfully we both use ddr. The vid cards I'll try tonight, she's got a crappy old TNT2 in hers, but we'll see if the problem goes with the card at least. Then I can get HER a new vid card for xmas and all's good!
Video memory....I shoulda clarified, sorry about that /me slaps forehead.

Like I said though, running a movie file would probably stress it as much as a d3d test or running a game :confused:

[edit]FUCK! I just remembered!!! I just had a problem with this....I got a BSOD everytime I tried to run a couple of my games, it BSOD'd me and restarted. I had just upgraded to the latest Nvidia drivers (67.something) so I rolled them back and it fixed it.....have you tried that?
Well, I was running 42. something on the nvidia drivers, I was getting the problem then. I just got the latest last night, 66.? and it was no change. I suppose I could go back a bit and see if one of the others would still work.
If it's the same with both old and new drivers, I'd suggest getting one more (probably one of the 50something drivers) and testing it with that.....if that fails too looks like you got a duff card on your hands :(