Is it alright to lie to your kids?(Yes there is a santa claus)


Well-Known Member
So my five year old daughter is extremely smart. She actually asked me if there really was a santa claus. I responded yes but knowing that kids want to be told the truth i could not shake the feeling that i was doing something inherently wrong and that although my intentions were good, it was still a blatent lie. Now i find myself telling all kinds of other little lies about santa claus explaining how the fat man can fit down our skinny chimney and such. It may sound ridiculous but i love my daughter and i always tell her the truth or nothing at all. Is this guilt unfounded?


Staff member
I have that guilt too. I try and not actually lie...I just kind of "i don't know, it would have to be some really good magic, wouldn't it?", or "yes, I believe that Christmas sure is a magical time", or turn it around and just "what do you think?". all kinda fit in with the explanation in later years that it's a legend which parents love to carry on for their children can enjoy.


molṑn labé
Staff member
There is a Santa Claus. He may not be some short old dude with a white beard & a penchant for red velvet clothing and a number of soaring antlered critters...that is just the common representation of him.

He is the humanization of the spirit of giving & brotherly love.

That is hard to explain to a5 year old so YES usually substitutes quite well.


Well-Known Member
Even worse is when you have a 47 year old g/f who still holds on to that belief.....and the tooth fairy :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I've got it fairly easy... my kid's too young to even know about St.Nick or even to ask questions. When he does start asking questions...I've got an out.

Every year on the 24th... Santa Klause passes on or right next to my street, in person, and hands out toys to kids. It's a local man...he has the costume, a real beard, a wheeled sleigh, a horse and two pick-up trucks. One of the trucks has a speaker blaring out "Here comes Santa Claus". Both trucks are packed and stacked with wrapped toys. (coded too - by age and gender). This guy gives a gift to each and every child that comes out to see him. Free of charge. You can take photos of him with your kid, your kid with the horse etc... all free. He's been doing it for decades now. I've got to post a few pics when I get the chance.

Now... nobody seems to know how this guy gets the money for all these gifts, nor the time to wrap all of them...but he does it every year.

If THAT's not proof positive that the 'spirit of giving' isn't alive and well, and happens to parade around in a Santa suit, I don't know what is.

Santa exists and he lives somewhere on the South Shore of Montreal :D


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
My youngest is 9 now. I don't think he believes, in fact I'm sure his brothers or sisters have filled him in on how the whole thing works. I don't think it's wrong to tell your kids there is a Santa, but when they come to you with the real questions and they are old enough to understand I think it's good to tell them the truth. The way my Mom and Grandma handled it was simple. "He exists as long as you believe he exists"
There is a Santa Claus. He may not be some short old dude with a white beard & a penchant for red velvet clothing and a number of soaring antlered critters...that is just the common representation of him.

He is the humanization of the spirit of giving & brotherly love.
Good answer.