Is it possible to be.........

AlphaTroll said:
Erm, please explain to a pleb like me how the hell you could call someone your boyfriend if you've never met him? Do you have any intention of ever meeting? Or will you get married online & have online babies eventually?

Sorry Ash, that was just too funny to resist.

To answer your question, no, at least not in the same sense as in real life. You could love the personality they exhibit online but (is there an echo in here?) until you have met and know the person in real life it pretty much means jack schitt. That being said, I love everyone. :shrug:

sure, it's easy to get wrapped up in how wonderful a person comes across online and that's fine. having crushes is a normal healthy thing. it keeps your romantic side alive, eh? but always remember that you haven't seen the whole picture. you get the opportunity to put your best foot forward online. you have a backspace button, you know? and so much of love is chemistry, you can't know that you do have chemistry with that person until you meet...that's not to say you can't feel something like chemistry for someone online but that is just your imagination...or your hormones....seriously if it weren't so there would be no such thing as cybersex.
Gonz closed this subject.

Don't confuse love with infatuation. Don't fall in love with the idea of being in love.....if you must love then love......faceless digital enities need not apply.

i have siad it before. love knows no bounds.

Neither do pedophiles and psychos.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Don't confuse love with infatuation. Don't fall in love with the idea of being in love.....if you must love then love......faceless digital enities need not apply.
hey, BCD? what kind of bug is that? you know - up your ass?
seriously, dude, you sound so callous. :swing:
tonks said:
hey, BCD? what kind of bug is that? you know - up your ass?
seriously, dude, you sound so callous. :swing:

Now let's aim for a hint of intelligence shall we?..come can do step at a time.

I sound callous because i am not a emotional moron who acts on the first feelings he/she gets. Being prudent never hurt anyone.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Now let's aim for a hint of intelligence shall we?..come can do step at a time.

I sound callous because i am not a emotional moron who acts on the first feelings he/she gets. Being prudent never hurt anyone.
BCD, you know me well enought o know that it was a joke. tsk tsk.
being a little warm to people isn't being an emotional moron. you really ought to lighten up.
tonks said:
BCD, you know me well enought o know that it was a joke. tsk tsk.
being a little warm to people isn't being an emotional moron. you really ought to lighten up.

Give me a good reason why?....people deserve to be told the truth: suger free and brutal as can be. I am sick of privileged fuckers whining about problems that don't even begin to seem pertienent to anything at all.

No, i won't be warm and happy with most of the people, they and i don't deserve the pleasure.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Give me a good reason why?....people deserve to be told the truth: suger free and brutal as can be. I am sick of privileged fuckers whining about problems that don't even begin to seem pertienent to anything at all.

No, i won't be warm and happy with most of the people, they and i don't deserve the pleasure.
either you are a very jealous person or a heartless one. i can see how telling someone the truth is benifical but hell you dont even know me. you could at least give the warning in a nicer way like everyone else on here.

oh and this topic is very useful. i'm not whining about anything either. i asked a question, wanted some advice.

if your gonna be an asshole about then *edit by Leslie- not in this forum* and do not post in here. cause i see no reason for someone who thinks this topic is bad, to post in here
Philly said:
either you are a very jealous person or a heartless one. i can see how telling someone the truth is benifical but hell you dont even know me. you could at least give the warning in a nicer way like everyone else on here.

This coming from a genius who already assumes i am heartless and Jealous......excellent logic.

oh and this topic is very useful. i'm not whining about anything either. i asked a question, wanted some advice.

Do you even read before you post????

if your gonna be an asshole about then fuck off and do not post in here. cause i see no reason for someone who thinks this topic is bad, to post in here

Again...READ?????? You wanted an opinion, i gave it to you, did i point out that it was an annoying topic......????

Don't flatter yourself deary, i wasn't even talking to you. It was in response to Tonks.
Let's not get cynical.

Some of us are less, what did PT say, ahhhm yes...some of us are less tactful for a reason. The entire world will gladly join a pity party & nothing gets accomplished. The cold hard facts given without remorse or a shoulder rub is a kick ass slap in the face to wake up the grey matter.
Gonz said:
Let's not get cynical.

Some of us are less, what did PT say, ahhhm yes...some of us are less tactful for a reason. The entire world will gladly join a pity party & nothing gets accomplished. The cold hard facts given without remorse or a shoulder rub is a kick ass slap in the face to wake up the grey matter.

Finally, some fucking reason and logic.
Gonz said:
Let's not get cynical.

Some of us are less, what did PT say, ahhhm yes...some of us are less tactful for a reason. The entire world will gladly join a pity party & nothing gets accomplished. The cold hard facts given without remorse or a shoulder rub is a kick ass slap in the face to wake up the grey matter.
see, thats something you guys need to learn about me. i do not give up w/o a fight. when someone's bitchy with me well i'm bitchy back. i do not learn from peeps who are assholes. i like the nice ones. i actually had some kind words of wisdom, from another on this board who will not be named of course, that i actually took into thought. i am very aware now.
You won't find a whole lot of sugar coating here Philly...most of us have been there/done that...and we're straight to the point. I know there've been a jillion times I've appreciated the smacks in the head from Gonz...either immediately or later, though at the same times I'd have dearly loved to smack him back. :D
even if u've been there or done that, its still no reason for someone to be an asshole. if what u say is true then u'd think a person would be kind hearted in their advice. i think some ppl need to remove the stick thats been pushed way to far up their ass and realize its a big world out there. there's others that do not care to deal with their bitchiness.
Philly said:
even if u've been there or done that, its still no reason for someone to be an asshole. if what u say is true then u'd think a person would be kind hearted in their advice. i think some ppl need to remove the stick thats been pushed way to far up their ass and realize its a big world out there. there's others that do not care to deal with their bitchiness.

True, some people also need to realize that there are people out there who are stern in their methodology of advice giving and that if they publicly ask for advice they have to realize not all would be so peppy as to give you what you want to hear or dumbed down, sugar coated happy pills of life. Those people should procede to remove the stick of righteousness and happiness from their ass and wake up because the dream was done long ago.

Oh lookie a smile.....

be still my jealous heart for i have smiled,
wicked sins of scathing tongue,
glaring eyes of the soulless child,
smile my pretty, smile now, forever more,
......the devil beckons for my sinful intent
pity that he shall be my sinful whore
forever more, forever more....pity the fool never more.
Buttcrackdivine said:
be still my jealous heart for i have smiled,
wicked sins of scathing tongue,
glaring eyes of the soulless child,
smile my pretty, smile now, forever more,
......the devil beckons for my sinful intent
pity that he shall be my sinful whore
forever more, forever more....pity the fool never more.
BCD, indeed you are an enigma to me...