-ism wins again


molṑn labé
Staff member
The Leninists have a great victory to celebrate in France. The furthering of the welfare state. Instead of allowing companies to fire lazy slobs & then hire someone willing to work, they've guaranteed 50% unemployment for the under 40 crowd...nice job destroying a country.

French President Jacques Chirac has announced that the new youth employment law that sparked weeks of sometimes violent protests will be scrapped.
He said it would be replaced by other measures to tackle youth unemployment.

Millions of students and union members have taken to the streets over the last month in protest against the law, which made it easier to fire young workers.

Union and student leaders said it was a "great victory" but it is not clear if protests set for Tuesday are still on.



Well-Known Member
Union and student leaders said it was a "great victory" but it is not clear if protests set for Tuesday are still on.

Well there you have it. I say if they still protest, replace the rubber bullets with real bullets.


Well-Known Member
More than 20% of French 18- to 25-year-olds are unemployed - more than twice the national average.

The government says the law will encourage employers to hire young people, but students fear it will erode job stability

Not sure where you're getting your stuff Gonz, but it ain't making sense.


Well-Known Member
its a catch 22
the companies want to be able to get rid of employees that are not working out, either through incompetence,just being lazy or employee cutbacks. the way its set up now, new hires are in the union and the companies cant get rid of them. ever. they wanted to make a kind of probationary period of two years where they still can release the newer (re:younger) workers if they needed to.
the youth are unemployed at such a high figure because companies cant cut the deadwood and as such are reluctant to hire new, younger workers.
the protester are saying this will make them overly expendable and increase unemployment and the companies are saying they would chance hiring if they had the ability to let people go if they dont work out.


New Member
MrBishop said:
Not sure where you're getting your stuff Gonz, but it ain't making sense.

No, he has it right. Would you hire a very young person, with few skills and no experience, if you simply COULD NEVER, EVER fire them? That's the root cause of a large portion of youth unemployment over there. A law is proposed to fix the issue, and they riot because they could be fired - from a job they can't even get because of the existing rules.

Nice thinking process. Seems to go hand-in-hand with socialism and the welfare state.

Luis G

Staff member
The french have it just like or worse with immigration than the US.


New Member
Gonz said:
French President Jacques Chirac has announced that the new youth employment law that sparked weeks of sometimes violent protests will be scrapped.

Leave it up to the jock strap to continue to fuck up a country that is already fucked up...


New Member
French students, emboldened by President Jacques Chirac's cave-in on a youth jobs measure, prepared new protests Tuesday to try to get rid of other government labor reforms.

Unions declared victory on Monday after Chirac abandoned the measure that had spurred nationwide unrest, paralyzed secondary schools and universities and created a crisis for the government.

Chirac's retreat, and school vacations that started this week, may make Tuesday's protests smaller than previous mass nationwide actions. But police deployed around Paris several hours before the protest, on alert for more of the violence that has marred many marches.

Students hoping to make use of the momentum to force the government to back down on other measures planned demonstrations Tuesday across the country.


Yep. Embolden the thugs, and they'll soon run your country. Lessons to be learned in the US, perhaps?


Well-Known Member
HL's quote said:
Chirac's retreat, and school vacations that started this week, may make Tuesday's protests smaller than previous mass nationwide actions.

I'm pissed! I'm gonna go protest... wait, it's spring break? Fuck my convictions! I'm heading to the beach!


molṑn labé
Staff member
2minkey said:
nah, in this country we prefer to embolden and empower dumbshits, so no worries.

Yea baby...put them in charge then they'll disappear only to reappear for the election cycle.


New Member
HomeLAN said:
Yep. Embolden the thugs, and they'll soon run your country. Lessons to be learned in the US, perhaps?

The top Republicans in both the House and Senate are indicating they don't support language in an immigration bill that would make entering the country illegally a felony.

The proposal has drawn the ire of pro-immigrant groups that have staged a wave of protests in recent weeks.

Yep! Move along, folks, nothing to see here. Unless you like your country run by rioters.