Isn't this just sweet....


Jody, my girlfriend was driving home from work at Walmart on highway 101 when some asshole tried to pass her (though she was already doing the allowed 5mph over), and she had to run off onto the shoulder as did the oncoming car. Normally in these situations you'd be thinking where's a cop when you need one? But this was her lucky day I guess because immediately after the incident two state patrol cars come flying out of nowhere and nail the sucker. She said she saw the stater get out and he looked PISSED! Sometimes its does work out right.


New Member
one night i was just out for a drive with a friend, along a long stretch of road we have here. this one genius comes zooming by us at some ridiculous speed. my friend and i were like, "WTF??!".... but a few miles up the road, we passed him... because he had been pulled over by a cop :)


Well-Known Member
On the Atlantic City Expressway, one of our more cop-heavy roads, I was sitting in the middle lane doing a shade over 70mph on cruise control (limit is 65). This little car passed me, then about a minute later, a cop comes shooting out of the shoulder and pulls them over.


On Interstate 5 between Tacoma and Seattle its common to be cruising along at 80 (limit is sixty) and cops will pass you and pay no attention. The road is so big and theres no safe place to pull someone over so unless you are really fucking up they don't do it so often.


Southern Discomfort
Two friends of mine, both under 25, were on their way home one evening about 10 years ago when a drunk running from the law smashed into their car, instantly killing one of my best friends. I went to his visitation, and the line snaked all through the funeral home and at least 150 yards outside. As I waited to get inside, two policemen came up on either side of a man in handcuffs. Yes, it was the man who killed Mike. They made him go, and sit in the receiving room for the entire two hour visitation. They made him watch the pain and anguish he caused. To this day, I've never thought more highly of any police officer or any judge.


New Member
snp... i'm sorry for your loss :( . and the judge that did that sounds awesome.

one of the main roads i travel on to get to work (which is maryland rt 100... when it was built, there was a saying in the courthouse -- "100's the name of the road, not its speed limit!".) it's easy to go too fast on. speed limit's.... 55, i think. but sometimes i catch myself going 80. i always slow down when i realize this, but sometimes i see a police car whipping around the curve even faster than i was going!

reminds me of the time i stopped at a stop sign and the cop in the car behind me honked his horn. i hadn't stopped for any longer than i usually do, so that was very strange. like, "hey, you! stop obeying the law!"