it's like making this noise?


Staff member
and like...I dunno what it is? know when the car makes this metallicish rattly noise and it always turns out it's a loose belt somewhere?

what does it always turn out to be when it's your computer?
1) a wire hitting the Processor fan
3)loose Optical drive\
4)loose side panel
5)You've found my marbles
so...barring actually seeing something flying around, I have to a) wait for the hdd to blow or b) figure out what an Optical drive is

I have a feeling it's the hdd. :eh:
Leslie said:
so...barring actually seeing something flying around, I have to a) wait for the hdd to blow or b) figure out what an Optical drive is

I have a feeling it's the hdd. :eh:

Optical drive = CDROM/DVDROM because of the lasers they're optical

Have you taken the side off and looked inside? does it make the noise constantly,a HD would only make the noise when the HD is being accessed (HD light on the front of your case) a fan/wire would be constant. isn't a cd/dvd drive...I don't really use them much at all, they're just kinda there.

it's when it's *thinking*, about half the time, so yeah, I think it has to be the hdd.
Its possible you just need to defrag the drive or adjust the Swapfile/Virtual Memory settings.How much free space on the HD and how much RAM ,I'll assume its WinXP.
Just looked - 6 gig left out of 120 :eek:

I think it's time to delete and defrag one or forty times :lloyd: I'll do that in the next couple days, and see how the noise goes then. Swapfile is 750MB...504MB RAM.
Make sure there are no empty soda cans on top of the case. That happened to me once. The thing was making a funny, metallic rattling noise when accessing the hard drive and I thought I was in trouble... but once I took the empty Dr Pepper cans off the noise went away.
nothing in, on, or around it...I think it's just supremely full. Or was, anyway.

The good thing is I'm only down to the good stuff and don't have to rifle through the grody stuff to find it :lloyd:
The data content of the drive should not have a factor in the noise that the drive makes.

If it's a noticeably different sound than it used to make, then yes you are in trouble.
You mean it's not just the hdd gods being angry because of the filth I'm keeping on it? :mope:
fury said:
The data content of the drive should not have a factor in the noise that the drive makes.

If it's a noticeably different sound than it used to make, then yes you are in trouble.

And that's the voice of experience talking. He knows oblivion when it comes knocking.
fury said:
The data content of the drive should not have a factor in the noise that the drive makes.

Unless the drive is seeking too much, she has a WD and IMO those a very noisy. The seek noisy might be imperceptible with small and few seeks, but as the number goes up so does the noise.
It sounds more like a fan issue to me.
How many, and what kind of fans does it have?
I have heard of certain case fans speeding up, and slowing down, depending
on the s.m.a.r.t. info the hd is sending in some systems, and or possibly
the cpu fan. (it could be a worn bushing problem with it)
Go to the HDD site & find their diagnostics program, d/l, put it on a floppy (unless you can get an ISO to burn) & let that test the drive. That'll rule out or confirm one piece of equipment.
Gonz said:
Go to the HDD site & find their diagnostics program, d/l, put it on a floppy (unless you can get an ISO to burn) & let that test the drive. That'll rule out or confirm one piece of equipment.

Note:certain tests will wipe everything from your drive
Gonz said:
Yep...not standard tests though. If she low level formats.... :shrug:

Thats why it was only a "note " and not a full fledged warning,but it did need to be pointed out IMO ,especially since there is potential porn loss. :la: