It's Palin ...

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the point, gonz, is that the story keeps changing and details have obviously been manipulated to make her seem like something far more heroic and chock full of lofty principles than she actually is.

the bridge to nowhere flip-flop.
the continuing iraq visit revisions.
and perhaps many more flip flops.

you all can deny these things as long you want. and you'll be just as foolish as those on the opposite side of the aisle that deny there was any significance to the relationship between obama and rev. wright. so if anybody wants to be as dumb as them, hey, hop right on board, the wagon's about to hit the slugtrail!
just wait a few weeks for the VP debate. i think it's on a thursday. let's chat after that.

Cha ching! :banana:

Who exactly do you think the dims will be offering up for slaughter, err, I mean, for V.P. at that point in time? Biden or da 'Beast?? ;)

It's a little confusing because the story keeps changing.

But did she ever claim "I went to Iraq."? If so I'm sure there's a link somewhere. :shrug:

And you don't have to be able to type to use a computer. Lots of people who can't type use one. :shrug: Again though, something to deflect us from the actual issues.

Are you trying to diminish the reason he can't keep his arms at shoulder height for an extended time?? As in, well, Stephen Hawking doesn't have a problem with using a computer so what's the big deal???? Nice. :rolleyes:
keep digging chooch.

i notice none of you dittoheads is addressing the bridge issue. come on, you can do it!
Wait, according to The Trail she actually did go to Iraq, didn't she? You must've thought she visited the wounded troops like He-who-is-soon-to-be-on-the-trail-back-home.....Oh, my bad. She did make some visits, and He played horse w/himself.

It's only the dims who are obsessed with her physicality.
Wait, according to The Trail she actually did go to Iraq, didn't she? You must've thought she visited the wounded troops like He-who-is-soon-to-be-on-the-trail-back-home.....Oh, my bad. She did make some visits, and He played horse w/himself.

And yet he did visit troops. You knew that right?
yeah, she's a fucking liar.

she acts like she "killed it" yet she supported it for quite some time.

why aren't YOU paying attention to this? you think you're a conservative? how could you possibly support such a disgusting use of earmarks? oh, really, because sarah palin is not the conservative she claims to be?

oops! sorry for citing a liberal source!

dated 2005.

in 2006 palin was still supporting it.

and now she's trying to be the pork-killing hero.


utter, pathetic horseshit.

but hey, don't bother learning anything about this! just vote for caribou barbie and all our troubles will fix themselves!

please, let me know how she didn't support this and didn't pull a john kerry. prove it to me.

i won't hold my breath.
Yes, Palin Did Stop That Bridge
September 10, 2008; Page A15

"But, you know, when you've been taking all these earmarks when it's convenient, and then suddenly you're the champion anti-earmark person, that's not change. Come on! I mean, words mean something, you can't just make stuff up." -- Barack Obama, Sept. 6, 2008

In politics, words are cheap. What really counts are actions. Democrats and Republicans have talked about fiscal responsibility for years. In reality, both parties have a shameful record of wasting hundreds of billions of tax dollars on pork-barrel projects.

My Senate colleague Barack Obama is now attacking Gov. Sarah Palin over earmarks. Having worked with both John McCain and Mr. Obama on earmarks, and as a recovering earmarker myself, I can tell you that Mrs. Palin's leadership and record of reform stands well above that of Mr. Obama.

Let's compare.

Mrs. Palin used her veto pen to slash more local projects than any other governor in the state's history. She cut nearly 10% of Alaska's budget this year, saving state residents $268 million. This included vetoing a $30,000 van for Campfire USA and $200,000 for a tennis court irrigation system. She succinctly justified these cuts by saying they were "not a state responsibility."

Meanwhile in Washington, Mr. Obama voted for numerous wasteful earmarks last year, including: $12 million for bicycle paths, $450,000 for the International Peace Museum, $500,000 for a baseball stadium and $392,000 for a visitor's center in Louisiana.

Mrs. Palin cut Alaska's federal earmark requests in half last year, one of the strongest moves against earmarks by any governor. It took real leadership to buck Alaska's decades-long earmark addiction.

Mr. Obama delivered over $100 million in earmarks to Illinois last year and has requested nearly a billion dollars in pet projects since 2005. His running mate, Joe Biden, is still indulging in earmarks, securing over $90 million worth this year.

Mrs. Palin also killed the infamous Bridge to Nowhere in her own state. Yes, she once supported the project: But after witnessing the problems created by earmarks for her state and for the nation's budget, she did what others like me have done: She changed her position and saved taxpayers millions. Even the Alaska Democratic Party credits her with killing the bridge.

When the Senate had its chance to stop the Bridge to Nowhere and transfer the money to Katrina rebuilding, Messrs. Obama and Biden voted for the $223 million earmark, siding with the old boys' club in the Senate. And to date, they still have not publicly renounced their support for the infamous earmark.

Mrs. Palin has proven courageous by taking on big spenders in her own party. In March of this year, the Anchorage Daily News reported that, "Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens is aggravated about what he sees as Gov. Sarah Palin's antagonism toward the earmarks he uses to steer federal money to the state."

Mr. Obama had a chance to take on his party when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid offered a sham ethics bill, which was widely criticized by watchdog groups such as Citizens Against Government Waste for shielding earmarks from public scrutiny. But instead of standing with taxpayers, Mr. Obama voted for the bill. Today, he claims he helped write the bill that failed to clean up Washington.

Mr. Obama has shown little restraint on earmarks until this year, when he decided to co-sponsor an earmark moratorium authored by Mr. McCain and myself. Mr. Obama is vulnerable on this issue, and he knows it. That is why he is lashing out at Mrs. Palin and trying to hide his own record.

Mrs. Palin is one of the strongest antiearmark governors in America. If more governors around the country would do what she has done, we would be much closer to fixing our nation's fiscal problems than we are.

Mrs. Palin's record here is solid and inspiring. She will help Mr. McCain shut down the congressional favor factory, and she has a record to prove it. Actions mean something. You can't just make stuff up.

Unless you're on the losing side. Then you can make stuff up. You can try to see what sticks. Not too much in this case. Even 30 Alaska-bound lawyers got nothing. :shrug:
oops. i guess you're right.

Wasilla had received few if any earmarks before Palin became mayor. She actively sought federal funds -- a campaign that began to pay off only after she hired a lobbyist with close ties to Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), who long controlled federal spending as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He made funneling money to Alaska his hallmark.

Steven Silver was a former chief of staff for Stevens. After he was hired, Wasilla obtained funding for several projects in 2002, including an additional $600,000 in transportation funding.

That year, a local water and sewer project received $1.5 million, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, which combs federal spending measures to identify projects inserted by congressional members.

When Palin spoke after McCain introduced her as his running mate at a rally in Ohio last week, she made fun of earmarking. She said she had rejected $223 million in federal funds for a bridge linking Ketchikan to an island with an airport and 50 residents, referring to it by its derogatory label: the "bridge to nowhere."

In the nationally televised speech, she stood by McCain and said, "I've championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress. In fact, I told Congress thanks, but no thanks, on that bridge to nowhere. If our state wanted a bridge, I said, we'd build it ourselves."

However, as a candidate for governor in 2006, Palin had backed funding for the bridge. After her election, she killed the much-ridiculed project when it became clear the state had other priorities. She said she would use the federal funds to fill those needs.

This year she submitted to Congress a list of Alaska projects worth $197.8 million, including $2 million to research crab productivity in the Bering Sea and $7.4 million to improve runway lighting at eight Alaska airports. A spokesman said she cut the original list of 54 projects to 31.

"So while Sen. McCain was going after cutting earmarks in Washington," said Steve Ellis of Taxpayers for Common Sense, "Gov. Palin was going after getting earmarks.",0,5932587.story
(CBS) Its one of those claims that gets so much applause.

"I told Congress 'thanks but no thanks,' to that bridge to nowhere," Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has said over and over on the campaign trail, CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews reports.

Palin just won't let it go. But the truth is the governor never rebuffed Congress. Here are the facts.

After a year of supporting the proposed bridge, near Ketchikan, Palin pulled state funds from the project, which killed the bridge for good, but she never said "no thanks" to the Federal funds promised by Congress - $233 million.

In fact, here's the list of how Palin is spending those federal tax dollars - on other highway projects around Alaska. As a candidate for governor, she defended every dollar for roads and bridges the state could wrangle from Washington, according to the Congressional Record and the Alaska Department of Transportation.

"I'm not going to stand in the way of progress that our Congressional delegation in the position of strength that they have right now, they are making those efforts for the state of Alaska," Palin said.

Now however, Palin is on a Republican ticket that's promising to reform all earmark spending - all of those federal grants aimed at specific local projects.

And McCain's credibility here is excellent.

"My friends, I have never asked for nor received a single earmark pork-barrel project for my state of Arizona," McCain said.

Palin's record on earmarks is mixed. Compared to the previous governor, Palin's earmarks are down 44 percent, but stills totals more than $450 million over two years.

By repeating the claim she said no thanks to the bridge, the implication is that she confronted a spendthrift Congress recklessly wasting money.

The record shows she wanted that bridge until the end and kept the money.
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