It's the day!

Uki Chick

New Member
Well, today is what would have been me and Paul's 3 year anniversary. By coincidence, it's also the day that my lawyer is presenting our divorce in court this morning. It's going to be a long and rough day!

So Paul, happy what would have been anniversary and happy divorce day! 6 to 8 weeks from now, it will all be over!
I'm happy and unhappy all at the same time. Talk about being fucked up in the head.

Thank goodness a door did far it hasn't smacked me in the ass closing.
Uki Chick said:
So Paul, happy what would have been anniversary and happy divorce day! 6 to 8 weeks from now, it will all be over!

cheers :cocktail:

when is your divorce party (I promise not to crash)