Janimal and Ardsgaine's Wild Kingdom Presents!!!...


New Member

Yes my friends, spider week continues at our household. Lookie at what we found on the ceiling of our laundry area...

This guy was easily 2 and 1/2 to 3 inches in diameter, including the legs. (for the English measurement system impaired that's about 5 to 6 centimeters).


green lynx spider.jpg, 35.72kb

It looks poisonous, but then again, I know absolutely nothing about spiders. I don't mind them, but if they look poisonous they get shot at.
Justintime said:
you shoot spiders?? :eek: and here i thought my slippers worked fine :lol:

I have a bb gun and a small crossbow, a toy really, that I use to get rid of bugs in the house.
Someone shot me in the leg with a bb gun once. From about two feet away, it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch!
Yeah, I found using a bb gun wicked - I don't know why, it's kind of therapeutic. Just shooting things.

Inanimate objects, obviously. :D
Umm Ja, Ards. Ever hear of BUG SPRAY?

Jesus, I think I'd have to move.